Platoon Presentation
We allow anyone from rank 100 to no rank at all. We are based on teamwork and we like to get sh*t done. (You must have a mic to join) Talk to our recruiter Frosty_Lone_Wolf for more info, and you dont have to have PREMIUM.
Not all of our members have a battlelog therefore our numbers look slim but we do have more members out there.
Now like any other platoon we have rules and requirements such as the following....
1.You must have a mic to communicate with other members on your team.
2.If you have a problem with anyone else in a clan consult the problem with either me or Frosty.
3.Respect and follow your designated squad leader even if he makes a bad choice.
4.There will be no sh!t talking to other clans or players unless told otherwise.
5.You only get five chances to get on or bad side,after that we will watch you, and if you keep screwing up we will remove you from the platoon.
6.Respect our allies.
Because the last thing we want is to LOSE friends that are very helpful.
For recruitment you must consult the following....
I'm sure if you join us you will have one hell of a time. Like our page on facebook (The Pulse) and we hope you make the right choice. And if you dont like hangin out with us then don't, we wont hold you to anything. We might assign squads but not until we have enough members.
(future squads)
And so on so forth, those who join in a squad now will most likely be in a different squad later due to us being unorganized, but once things settle we will move on and make a name for ourselves!
Not all of our members have a battlelog therefore our numbers look slim but we do have more members out there.
Now like any other platoon we have rules and requirements such as the following....
1.You must have a mic to communicate with other members on your team.
2.If you have a problem with anyone else in a clan consult the problem with either me or Frosty.
3.Respect and follow your designated squad leader even if he makes a bad choice.
4.There will be no sh!t talking to other clans or players unless told otherwise.
5.You only get five chances to get on or bad side,after that we will watch you, and if you keep screwing up we will remove you from the platoon.
6.Respect our allies.
Because the last thing we want is to LOSE friends that are very helpful.
For recruitment you must consult the following....
I'm sure if you join us you will have one hell of a time. Like our page on facebook (The Pulse) and we hope you make the right choice. And if you dont like hangin out with us then don't, we wont hold you to anything. We might assign squads but not until we have enough members.
(future squads)
And so on so forth, those who join in a squad now will most likely be in a different squad later due to us being unorganized, but once things settle we will move on and make a name for ourselves!
Platoon feed
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