Iraq Community
Platoon Presentation
Welcome everyone to Iraq Official Community , اهلا وسهلا بكم جميعا في المجتمع العراقي الرسمي
You can find us on TeamSpeak on this IP:-
( ts.GamersPlatoon.com ) , then search on our clan named as ★ Iraq Official Community ★ .
Our servers for BF3 named as : [Iraq]
Just put that name in the server names search and don't choose any MODE or any MAP or PLAYERS then you'll find it .
We Live to Fight !
You can find us on TeamSpeak on this IP:-
( ts.GamersPlatoon.com ) , then search on our clan named as ★ Iraq Official Community ★ .
Our servers for BF3 named as : [Iraq]
Just put that name in the server names search and don't choose any MODE or any MAP or PLAYERS then you'll find it .
We Live to Fight !
Platoon feed
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