Royal-AC-Federation: E
Platoon Presentation
Welcome to The Royal Armored Corp Federation! Congratulations on moving up to the next level!
Armored Corp Elite clan colors:Spec Ops Black
Events Coming up!!
Clan war with HMNG,HMONG on the 11th of Nov at 6pm Eastern! if you would like to fight speak to Atomic.
Clan war with TDN,Total Domination on the 17th of Nov at 4pm Eastern! if you would like to fight speak to Atomic.
Benefits of being a Royal Armored Corp Elite:
-Now that you are all Elites you may be able to join in on clan wars/gamebattles and skirmishes.
- ACE may request clan war matches to ACE-L
- ACE-L may set up clan war matchs as well.
- ACE and ACE-leaders may train Trainees and trainee leaders.
- ACE/ACE-L may invite who ever they want to join the clan.
- ACE You may also become a VIP in clan Servers.
- ACE-L You may also become a VIP/Admin in clan Servers.
-Those who are Leaders in this platoon will also be squad leaders during clanwars.
- If you are a ACE or ACE leader you may host clan meets or clan training at any tme and day. Just give a 2 day notice to the rest of the clan!
All are welcomed regardless of stats, But all must start off as a AC-Trainee member and must go through training before being ranked up to Soldier. If one would like to reach Elite one must prove that he can hang with the big boys and show leadership.
1. Squad up with us and show your skills.
2. We are not looking for one man armies.
3. You must be a team player with the ability to communicate.
4. Be respectful to your fellow R-AC-F members no matter what the rank!
Time zones:
PST : noon (12pm)
MST : 1pm +1
CST : 2pm +2
EST : 3pm +3
GMT : 8pm + 8
AST : 11pm + 11
SYMBOLS for Primary and Secondary classes and Vehicle operators are listed below.
Class regiment symbols:
Assault: +
Support: $
Engineer: #
Recon: -:-
Vehicle operator symbol:
Tank: T
Jet: J
AA Driver: AA
IFV Driver: IFV
Helicopter: H
Primary- P
Secondary- S
permanent squads
ACE squad leaders are listed below.
1st Elite squadron
ACE-L/F: Atomicx1988 P(+,J) S(#,IFV)
ACE: Penpen P(+,T) S($,J)
ACE: mayday111 P(+,H) S(#,T)
ACE: Claby
ACE: wackiekid
ACS-L: Mr. Assissin
ACS: Reaper-Rulez
ACS: ragnell_saria
ACS: fhooode
ACS: James_Neil
ACS: Missilis
2nd Elite squadron
ACE-L: zhawk P(#,H) S(-:-,T)
ACE: Xx_zac_xXKiller
ACE: moisespedro
ACE: Chabrier
ACE: Zzar
ACS-L: Dobby
ACS: zhaya22
ACS: Onx360
ACS: Kryptonic/illbeats
ACS: meatthemeat
ACS: Droid
3rd Elite squadron
ACE-L: Artisolis
ACE: Optumis Crime P(+,T) S($,H)
ACE: OxxChey17xXO P(+,T) S(#,J)
ACE: SNIPE_AT P(-:-,H) S(+,T)
ACS-L: Johnny
ACS: pollock
ACS: planetmars
ACS: thechronoshadow P(+,T)S($,H)
ACS: AJ P(#,T)S(+,AA)
ACS: theuten
4th Elite squadron
ACE-L: CruzerBruiser P(+,J)S(#,T)
ACE: Mayweather
ACE: snake-cross-BF3
ACE: blood-breezy
ACE: Svk96
ACS-L: Theranger
ACS: gettingeverybody
ACS: rollingthunder
ACS: Ferryman
ACS: DA_king_crunk
ACS: mobfigaz
5th Elite squadron
6th Elite squadron
when ever there is a ACE-L on and a ACS-L on the ACS-L must give leadership over to the ACE-L so they may squad lead in games and in clan wars. What this means is that trroops from the ACS-L squad must accept the Elite leader as squad leader due to a higher rank!! When a Eilte leader is not online the ACS-L may take over control of his squad. Now if there is a ACE and a ACS-L online, both must decide who will lead the squad for that game if a Elite leader is not online. a ACE does not outrank a ACS-L and a ACS-L does not outrank a ACE. They both are on even grounds of leadership. both must decide who would lead for that particular game or clan war if Elite leader is not online. If only ACS-L is online he will take over lead for his squad.
Rank system: listed from lowest to highest
- ACT: Armored Corp Trainee.
- ACT Leader: Armored Corp Trainee Leader
- ACS: Armored Corp Soldier
- ACS Leader: Armored Corp Soldier Leader
- ACE: Armored Corp Elite
- ACE Leader/Founder: Armored Corp Elite Leader/Founder
Note: There will be limited spots for ACE-L, ACE, ACS-L, and ACT-L. There is a possibility you may get demoted due t a lack of play, treating members with disrespect, treating players outside of this clan with disrespect and not following orders. There is also a possibility for being promoted by showing good leader ship, follewing orders and treating players with respect!
Ranking up:
- ACE in order to become a Elite one must have a 2.00 or higher k/d, 550 spm or higher, be able to handle one self in battle and pull off wins for the clan. Also you must be able to work with a team very well, have a special skill that is well desired for the clan and have a mic.
- ACE-L: in order to become a leader one must show great leader ship, put the team 1st before you, have a special skill that is well desired for the clan and have a mic. Also have a 2.25 or higher k/d, 650 spm or higher, be able to handle one self in battle and pull off wins for the clan.
ACE-L positions will open up after every 4 Elites join the elite platoon. when the Leader position does open up those who want to move up in rank must have the best stats and leadership ability. there will be a max of 6 leaders/Founder and a max of 32 elites!
Clan Allies: [Ar51], Area 51 Freaks
[G4L], Gamer for life
Clan Enemies:
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Clan Record for clan wars ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
R-AC-F wins = 3 loses= 0
R-AC-F vs BoB, Band of Brothers = WIN!
R-AC-F vs AGC = WIN!
R-AC-F vs MCOM Heroes/Seven = WIN!
R-AC-F vs eF, Elite Force = ?
R-AC-F vs TDN , Total Domination = ?
Armored Corp Elite clan colors:Spec Ops Black
Events Coming up!!
Clan war with HMNG,HMONG on the 11th of Nov at 6pm Eastern! if you would like to fight speak to Atomic.
Clan war with TDN,Total Domination on the 17th of Nov at 4pm Eastern! if you would like to fight speak to Atomic.
Benefits of being a Royal Armored Corp Elite:
-Now that you are all Elites you may be able to join in on clan wars/gamebattles and skirmishes.
- ACE may request clan war matches to ACE-L
- ACE-L may set up clan war matchs as well.
- ACE and ACE-leaders may train Trainees and trainee leaders.
- ACE/ACE-L may invite who ever they want to join the clan.
- ACE You may also become a VIP in clan Servers.
- ACE-L You may also become a VIP/Admin in clan Servers.
-Those who are Leaders in this platoon will also be squad leaders during clanwars.
- If you are a ACE or ACE leader you may host clan meets or clan training at any tme and day. Just give a 2 day notice to the rest of the clan!
All are welcomed regardless of stats, But all must start off as a AC-Trainee member and must go through training before being ranked up to Soldier. If one would like to reach Elite one must prove that he can hang with the big boys and show leadership.
1. Squad up with us and show your skills.
2. We are not looking for one man armies.
3. You must be a team player with the ability to communicate.
4. Be respectful to your fellow R-AC-F members no matter what the rank!
Time zones:
PST : noon (12pm)
MST : 1pm +1
CST : 2pm +2
EST : 3pm +3
GMT : 8pm + 8
AST : 11pm + 11
SYMBOLS for Primary and Secondary classes and Vehicle operators are listed below.
Class regiment symbols:
Assault: +
Support: $
Engineer: #
Recon: -:-
Vehicle operator symbol:
Tank: T
Jet: J
AA Driver: AA
IFV Driver: IFV
Helicopter: H
Primary- P
Secondary- S
permanent squads
ACE squad leaders are listed below.
1st Elite squadron
ACE-L/F: Atomicx1988 P(+,J) S(#,IFV)
ACE: Penpen P(+,T) S($,J)
ACE: mayday111 P(+,H) S(#,T)
ACE: Claby
ACE: wackiekid
ACS-L: Mr. Assissin
ACS: Reaper-Rulez
ACS: ragnell_saria
ACS: fhooode
ACS: James_Neil
ACS: Missilis
2nd Elite squadron
ACE-L: zhawk P(#,H) S(-:-,T)
ACE: Xx_zac_xXKiller
ACE: moisespedro
ACE: Chabrier
ACE: Zzar
ACS-L: Dobby
ACS: zhaya22
ACS: Onx360
ACS: Kryptonic/illbeats
ACS: meatthemeat
ACS: Droid
3rd Elite squadron
ACE-L: Artisolis
ACE: Optumis Crime P(+,T) S($,H)
ACE: OxxChey17xXO P(+,T) S(#,J)
ACE: SNIPE_AT P(-:-,H) S(+,T)
ACS-L: Johnny
ACS: pollock
ACS: planetmars
ACS: thechronoshadow P(+,T)S($,H)
ACS: AJ P(#,T)S(+,AA)
ACS: theuten
4th Elite squadron
ACE-L: CruzerBruiser P(+,J)S(#,T)
ACE: Mayweather
ACE: snake-cross-BF3
ACE: blood-breezy
ACE: Svk96
ACS-L: Theranger
ACS: gettingeverybody
ACS: rollingthunder
ACS: Ferryman
ACS: DA_king_crunk
ACS: mobfigaz
5th Elite squadron
6th Elite squadron
when ever there is a ACE-L on and a ACS-L on the ACS-L must give leadership over to the ACE-L so they may squad lead in games and in clan wars. What this means is that trroops from the ACS-L squad must accept the Elite leader as squad leader due to a higher rank!! When a Eilte leader is not online the ACS-L may take over control of his squad. Now if there is a ACE and a ACS-L online, both must decide who will lead the squad for that game if a Elite leader is not online. a ACE does not outrank a ACS-L and a ACS-L does not outrank a ACE. They both are on even grounds of leadership. both must decide who would lead for that particular game or clan war if Elite leader is not online. If only ACS-L is online he will take over lead for his squad.
Rank system: listed from lowest to highest
- ACT: Armored Corp Trainee.
- ACT Leader: Armored Corp Trainee Leader
- ACS: Armored Corp Soldier
- ACS Leader: Armored Corp Soldier Leader
- ACE: Armored Corp Elite
- ACE Leader/Founder: Armored Corp Elite Leader/Founder
Note: There will be limited spots for ACE-L, ACE, ACS-L, and ACT-L. There is a possibility you may get demoted due t a lack of play, treating members with disrespect, treating players outside of this clan with disrespect and not following orders. There is also a possibility for being promoted by showing good leader ship, follewing orders and treating players with respect!
Ranking up:
- ACE in order to become a Elite one must have a 2.00 or higher k/d, 550 spm or higher, be able to handle one self in battle and pull off wins for the clan. Also you must be able to work with a team very well, have a special skill that is well desired for the clan and have a mic.
- ACE-L: in order to become a leader one must show great leader ship, put the team 1st before you, have a special skill that is well desired for the clan and have a mic. Also have a 2.25 or higher k/d, 650 spm or higher, be able to handle one self in battle and pull off wins for the clan.
ACE-L positions will open up after every 4 Elites join the elite platoon. when the Leader position does open up those who want to move up in rank must have the best stats and leadership ability. there will be a max of 6 leaders/Founder and a max of 32 elites!
Clan Allies: [Ar51], Area 51 Freaks
[G4L], Gamer for life
Clan Enemies:
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Clan Record for clan wars ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
R-AC-F wins = 3 loses= 0
R-AC-F vs BoB, Band of Brothers = WIN!
R-AC-F vs AGC = WIN!
R-AC-F vs MCOM Heroes/Seven = WIN!
R-AC-F vs eF, Elite Force = ?
R-AC-F vs TDN , Total Domination = ?
Platoon feed
There are no more events to show