.d-Taggin & T-baggin.
Platoon Presentation
When we knife you , you will feel our greasy balls drop down upon your face and you will enjoy it !!we don't only use knife but Just be sure to get one or more. Have fun killing the enemy. Always have your platoon members back when needed. Be willing to make decisions. That's the most important quality in a good leader.
Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men and women are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his or hers fear overcome their sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.
If we take the generally accepted definition of bravery as a quality which knows no fear, I have never seen a brave person. All men and women are frightened. The more intelligent they are, the more they are frightened.
Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.
A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
God of our fathers, who by land and sea have ever lead us to victory, please continue your inspiring guidance in this the greatest of all conflicts. Strengthen my soul so that the weakening instinct of self-preservation, which besets all of us in battle, shall not blind me to my duty to my own manhood, to the glory of my calling, and to my responsibility to my fellow soldiers. Grant to our armed forces that disciplined valor and mutual confidence which insures success in war. Let me not mourn for the men who have died fighting, but rather let me be glad that such heroes have lived. If it be my lot to die, let me do so with courage and honor in a manner which will bring the greatest harm to the enemy, and please, oh Lord, protect and guide those I shall leave behind. Give us the victory!
Members! If you have any potentals. Feel free to have them send a request to our noob platoon (BTB)
Big Tittie Bitches!!
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Hey guys all people that are in (dttb) are automaticlly in the scrimage squad for our clan battles.
If you are not here during a clan battle your spot is given away to a noob. ..... And we dont want that to happen.
Everything about our scrimages are ran through (xturd-burgalarx) so message him if you have any requests on who to battle and any other suggestions.
Now get out there and kill shit soldiers!!!!!!!!!!!
Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men and women are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his or hers fear overcome their sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.
If we take the generally accepted definition of bravery as a quality which knows no fear, I have never seen a brave person. All men and women are frightened. The more intelligent they are, the more they are frightened.
Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.
A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
God of our fathers, who by land and sea have ever lead us to victory, please continue your inspiring guidance in this the greatest of all conflicts. Strengthen my soul so that the weakening instinct of self-preservation, which besets all of us in battle, shall not blind me to my duty to my own manhood, to the glory of my calling, and to my responsibility to my fellow soldiers. Grant to our armed forces that disciplined valor and mutual confidence which insures success in war. Let me not mourn for the men who have died fighting, but rather let me be glad that such heroes have lived. If it be my lot to die, let me do so with courage and honor in a manner which will bring the greatest harm to the enemy, and please, oh Lord, protect and guide those I shall leave behind. Give us the victory!
Members! If you have any potentals. Feel free to have them send a request to our noob platoon (BTB)
Big Tittie Bitches!!
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Hey guys all people that are in (dttb) are automaticlly in the scrimage squad for our clan battles.
If you are not here during a clan battle your spot is given away to a noob. ..... And we dont want that to happen.
Everything about our scrimages are ran through (xturd-burgalarx) so message him if you have any requests on who to battle and any other suggestions.
Now get out there and kill shit soldiers!!!!!!!!!!!
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