Perzonal Gaming
Tag: [Perz] Fans: 3 Created: 2012-09-25

Platoon Presentation

This will be a competetive team with the tag "Perzonal-" or "Perz".
Criterias to join this team:
All the things listed down below will mostly apply to thoose who has not played comp before.

-Most importantly, you have to be motivated, interested and want to become a competetive player.

-You will have to be able to take orders and suggestions to how you can become a better player if your new to the comp scene, this applys with everything the first rule says. Don't feel afraid to say what you don't like about the things i say, and feel free to come up with other suggestions.

-This will be a clan where we respect other comp teams and we will all be friendly with eachother, make jokes and be able to laugh together:) I personally will try my very best to make everyone feel welcome and i hope that you can be yourself with everyone in this clan.

-Don't feel afraid to ever ask someone in this clan if they want to play and go on comms.

-As long as you are interested in becoming a competetive player, everything will work out just nicely!

Lastly, i hope you will be able to grow and become a better player, aswell as joining me in kicking other clans butt:), but don't act cocky or rage HARD at randoms in pub (in the chat) this is not a very nice quality with a real player.


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