MAV Surveillance Agcy
Tag: [MSA] Fans: 5 Created: 2012-09-29

Platoon Presentation

I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.

Server Rules:
No M16 - because of noobiness + abuse
No M320/GP-30 - only on inf-oly maps - should be clear
No RPG/SMAW - only on inf-oly maps - clear
No G18 [(supressed)] - same as M16

Dies ist das Platoon für Admins (Leader) und Mods (Moderatoren, normale Mitglieder) für den BF3 Server von BFJPM und TWOMBIE.
This is the Platoon for admins (Leader) und Mods (Moderators, normal member) for the BF3 Server of BFJPM and TWOMBIE

Platoon feed

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