Perfect Execution
Platoon Presentation
Perfect Execution began in April 2010 under the name Weapons of Fate. The original founder (trammellk) posted on the forums for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (BC2) and got a reply from Tmanfl8688. After a few days of recruiting we had established a nice squad for BC2. Within a week we had five solid members who would become our founders of the clan. We initially started the clan to be competitive in the gaming world. We made a few websites and got our roster to around 30 members and gamed together almost nightly.
By the time September 2010 came by a lot of our members were inactive so the founding members decided it was time to reboot our clan. We removed all of our inactive members which left us with about ten members. By taking our roster down ten members we didn't have enough members to play in a competitive 12v12 match so we decided we would become a casual clan. With this announcement most of the members quit to join other clans. This didn't stop the founding members from moving forward with the clan.
The founding members gamed almost nightly with each other until about the time Battlefield 3 (BF3) came out. Since BF3 was rushed in its release there were a lot of bugs when we first played it. This turned a couple of the founders away from the game. Also, real world problems (RWP) came about and they weren't able to game much at all.
At that point the clan was abandoned for about a year. In mid to late 2012 trammellk thought it would be a good idea to start the clan up again so we can play with like minded players and dominate the playing field. With the help of SublimeSouth and HavokSlayer we began a new chapter in our book.
By the time September 2010 came by a lot of our members were inactive so the founding members decided it was time to reboot our clan. We removed all of our inactive members which left us with about ten members. By taking our roster down ten members we didn't have enough members to play in a competitive 12v12 match so we decided we would become a casual clan. With this announcement most of the members quit to join other clans. This didn't stop the founding members from moving forward with the clan.
The founding members gamed almost nightly with each other until about the time Battlefield 3 (BF3) came out. Since BF3 was rushed in its release there were a lot of bugs when we first played it. This turned a couple of the founders away from the game. Also, real world problems (RWP) came about and they weren't able to game much at all.
At that point the clan was abandoned for about a year. In mid to late 2012 trammellk thought it would be a good idea to start the clan up again so we can play with like minded players and dominate the playing field. With the help of SublimeSouth and HavokSlayer we began a new chapter in our book.
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