Superior Strategy
Platoon Presentation
Only those who have superior skill, and ability will be considered for employment with this highly lucrative clan. Requirements include, but are not limited to: having teamwork skill, general hatred for engineers on TDM, and loving the flavor of campsauce, objective spamming, and bum rushing. Also those who have considerable skill in surprising even the most battlehardened soldier can immediately be considered, even if they are an engineer on TDM. We also approve of Colonel Hundo Hunting.
Foolproof: Increase chances of survival when executing ludicrous plans. (7%) Pro Version Challenge: Survive 5 foolproof plans.
Chances are significantly increased. (45%)
C4: Increases chances of killing enemies with C4. (15%) Pro Version Challenge: Kill 50 enemies with C4.
Chances for getting suicides with C4 is reduced. (20%)
Camper: Increases chances of killing enemies while in camper mode. (10%) Pro Version Challenge: Spend 45 minutes camping.
Increases stealth and survival chances in camper mode. (15% and 35%)
Hipfire: Increased hipfire accuracy. (10%) Pro Version Challenge: Kill 100 enemies hipfiring.
Increased hipfire accuracy. (33%)
Ghost: Stealth is increased. (10%) Pro Version Challenge. Kill 100 enemies in stealth mode.
Stealth is greatly increased. (25%)
Marathon: Increased run speed. (5%) Pro Version Challenge: Sprint 26 miles.
Sprint speed is greatly increased. (10%)
Pirate: Increased survival chances when running into large groups of enemies. (15%) Pro Version Challenge: Run into 15 groups of enemies and survive.
Chances are greatly increased. (35%)
Cowboy: Secondary Weapons and equipment are more effective. (5%) Pro Version Challenge: Kill 100 enemies with equipment and secondary weapons.
Increased effectiveness. (20%)
Viking: Increased accuracy while low health. (5%) Pro Version Challenge: Kill 20 enemies while low health (20%).
Chances for enemy you are shooting at to kill you are reduced. (5%)
Noob: Increased situational awareness. (10%) Pro Version Challenge: Get knifed 5 times.
Greatly improved SA (65%)
Survivor: Increased chances of survival. (10%) Pro Version Challenge. Survive for a 20 minute streak.
Greatly increased chances of survival. (25%) SPM may drop by 100 points.
Second Chances: Increased chances of being revived. (10%) Pro Version Challenge: Get revived 20 times.
Greatly increased chances of being revived. (35%)
Slayer: Increased chances of killing enemies. (5%) Pro Version Challenge: Kill 50 enemies in one match.
Chances are increased. (10%)
Flak Jacket: Increased explosive resistance. (10%) Pro Version Challenge: Survive 30 explosions.
Chances are increased. (20%)
Foolproof: Increase chances of survival when executing ludicrous plans. (7%) Pro Version Challenge: Survive 5 foolproof plans.
Chances are significantly increased. (45%)
C4: Increases chances of killing enemies with C4. (15%) Pro Version Challenge: Kill 50 enemies with C4.
Chances for getting suicides with C4 is reduced. (20%)
Camper: Increases chances of killing enemies while in camper mode. (10%) Pro Version Challenge: Spend 45 minutes camping.
Increases stealth and survival chances in camper mode. (15% and 35%)
Hipfire: Increased hipfire accuracy. (10%) Pro Version Challenge: Kill 100 enemies hipfiring.
Increased hipfire accuracy. (33%)
Ghost: Stealth is increased. (10%) Pro Version Challenge. Kill 100 enemies in stealth mode.
Stealth is greatly increased. (25%)
Marathon: Increased run speed. (5%) Pro Version Challenge: Sprint 26 miles.
Sprint speed is greatly increased. (10%)
Pirate: Increased survival chances when running into large groups of enemies. (15%) Pro Version Challenge: Run into 15 groups of enemies and survive.
Chances are greatly increased. (35%)
Cowboy: Secondary Weapons and equipment are more effective. (5%) Pro Version Challenge: Kill 100 enemies with equipment and secondary weapons.
Increased effectiveness. (20%)
Viking: Increased accuracy while low health. (5%) Pro Version Challenge: Kill 20 enemies while low health (20%).
Chances for enemy you are shooting at to kill you are reduced. (5%)
Noob: Increased situational awareness. (10%) Pro Version Challenge: Get knifed 5 times.
Greatly improved SA (65%)
Survivor: Increased chances of survival. (10%) Pro Version Challenge. Survive for a 20 minute streak.
Greatly increased chances of survival. (25%) SPM may drop by 100 points.
Second Chances: Increased chances of being revived. (10%) Pro Version Challenge: Get revived 20 times.
Greatly increased chances of being revived. (35%)
Slayer: Increased chances of killing enemies. (5%) Pro Version Challenge: Kill 50 enemies in one match.
Chances are increased. (10%)
Flak Jacket: Increased explosive resistance. (10%) Pro Version Challenge: Survive 30 explosions.
Chances are increased. (20%)
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