FIN Pohjanmaa
Tag: [HELA] Fans: 8 Created: 2012-11-30

Platoon Presentation

Hello and welcome to FIN Pohjanmaa.

We are fighting mostly TDM & CQ.

Contact officer vilbertiina245 for more info.

To be a member of (HELA) platoon you don`t need a mic, to be level 100, KDR 5, age 30 +.

Just come as you are, you can be member of a another platoon and wear a another tag...

But when you battle with your (HELA) team mates in a official or arranged fight so show your (HELA) tag and be a true friend to your brothers/sisters in arms, help your friend in need because he will help you if needed.

When you win/conquest/kill your fiend don`t tea bag him/her, humiliating a other person is not art of war.

When you loose take it as a truly HELA soldier and don`t be a sore loser.

Revenge is yours to be come.

Platoon feed

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