Tag: [SSD] Fans: 9 Created: 2013-01-06

Platoon Presentation

We are a sud-division of SSD. We specialize in air to air and air to ground combat. All applicants will be put to test by Thiller D or T1NG_T1NG. In order to be a SSD pilot you must do three things.
1) Engage all air targets (i.e jets, attack choppers, and support choppers)
2) Engage all ground assets (i.e tanks and jeeps)
3) Spot enemies in enemy territory to assist ground forces in engagement

There will be a probationary period in which one of the three leaders of air forces SSD will evaluation and approve all pilots

Welcome to Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance Team Delta-58.

They Call us the Ball Busters. [Swift] [Silent] [Deadly]

We Blow Stuff Up !

United States Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance Creed
Realizing it is my choice and my choice alone to be a Reconnaissance Marine, I accept all challenges involved with this profession. Forever shall I strive to maintain the tremendous reputation of those who went before me.

Exceeding beyond the limitations set down by others shall be my goal. Sacrificing personal comforts and dedicating myself to the completion of the reconnaissance mission shall be my life. Physical fitness, mental attitude, and high ethics—The title of Recon Marine is my honor.

Conquering all obstacles, both large and small, I shall never quit. To quit, to surrender, to give up is to fail. To be a Recon Marine is to surpass failure; To overcome, to adapt and to do whatever it takes to complete the mission.

On the battlefield, as in all areas of life, I shall stand tall above the competition. Through professional pride, integrity, and teamwork, I shall be the example for all Marines to emulate.

Never shall I forget the principles I accepted to become a Recon Marine. Honor, Perseverance, Spirit and Heart. A Recon Marine can speak without saying a word and achieve what others can only imagine.


1). MUST have a Mic.

2). MUST be mature. (16+ preferred)

3). MUST be a Colonel.

4). Play 3-4 times a week (Be Active on Battlelog and MAINLY THIS PLATOON )

5). MINIMUM K/D of 1.0 and SPM of 300

6) Once accepted, you will be asked by the Founder/Leader to have an initiation. Such as your timetable, your strengths/weaknesses. You will be on a 30 day trail, so you will need to join games, play with S.S.D Air Wing. If you see us in a game/menus, you will have to follow us into any game. If you are not in a game, message us we can make arrangements to try to get you in the server, or we can re squad up. After being in for 30 days, If you been accepted then you will be on a 90 day trail. This means not only you will be playing S.S.D Air Wing, You will also play with S.S.D Infantry and S.S.D Armor. If the server is full/you trying to get in, message us that you are trying to join and just be patience because people will either leave/get kicked. 

4. You MUST have all the maps, Back To Karkand, Armored Shield, Aftermath and Endgame. 
We are a CONQUEST/RUSH Platoon. 

Please see the following Platoons. 








Cinema :

Famous Quotes:

It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.
-General Douglas MacArthur

The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving.
-Ulysses S Grant

The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
-George S. Patton, Jr.


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