EOD's Scout Snipers
Platoon Presentation
Scout Snipers provide close reconnaissance and surveillance to the infantry battalion. By doctrine, a Scout Sniper is a Marine highly skilled in field craft and marksmanship who delivers long range precision fire on selected targets from concealed positions in support of combat operations.
Scout Snipers in Marine infantry battalions fell under the Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA) units initially, and now, more formalized, they belong to the infantry battalion's Scout Sniper Platoon (SSP), usually within the headquarters and service (H&S) company. Marine Scout Snipers are trained at one of the four school house locations. The motto of the Marine Scout Sniper is "One shot, one kill."
Snipers in this platoon will be expected to be efficient in all forms of combat with sniper rifles. This includes but is not limited to close range shooting, long range sniping, enemy reconnaissance, and sneaking through the enemy lines. Every sniper in this platoon is expertly versed in all these tasks, and all new recruits are expected to become so. Semper Fidelis!
Requirements are:
-Recon Medal
-20 Sniper Rifle Medals
-Must Be Colonel
-Must Be An Active Player
-Must Be Efficient With Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles
-10 Recon Service Stars
-40 collective Service Stars with bolt-action sniper rifles
-1.5 K/D Ratio*
-Must Be In EOD
Scout Snipers in Marine infantry battalions fell under the Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA) units initially, and now, more formalized, they belong to the infantry battalion's Scout Sniper Platoon (SSP), usually within the headquarters and service (H&S) company. Marine Scout Snipers are trained at one of the four school house locations. The motto of the Marine Scout Sniper is "One shot, one kill."
Snipers in this platoon will be expected to be efficient in all forms of combat with sniper rifles. This includes but is not limited to close range shooting, long range sniping, enemy reconnaissance, and sneaking through the enemy lines. Every sniper in this platoon is expertly versed in all these tasks, and all new recruits are expected to become so. Semper Fidelis!
Requirements are:
-Recon Medal
-20 Sniper Rifle Medals
-Must Be Colonel
-Must Be An Active Player
-Must Be Efficient With Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles
-10 Recon Service Stars
-40 collective Service Stars with bolt-action sniper rifles
-1.5 K/D Ratio*
-Must Be In EOD
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