1aM2bAd4u joined the platoon tHe CraZy oNeS - Coms

tHe CraZy oNeS - Coms
Platoon Presentation
▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜtHe CraZy oNeSஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Community platoon for tCo...
We have one and only goal, is to take over the world........
We started in BC2. Came Top 3 in every tournament entered.
... and CBS stole our name ..
TS Server:
tCo will be going to PC for BF4
Apply if interested. We are taking applications currently to make a full roster. This won't be set roster until close to BF4 and admins will make their decisions then.
Currently we are looking to play 8 v 8+. Please contact Leaders.
♛tCo Website:
♛Clans tCo has played on BF3 PC:
aQ, EVO, beer, SeK x3, cLx, nW, vK ( score tCo 4 - 0 vk, xD lul ), tA, gC, NAP, 30cm, Ne, PLS, oC, uT,
SERVER: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/pc/1a22c769-9616-43ff-bab3-51aa82d78942/Multiplay-Fun-Balance-Server/
BF3 on PS3 - Achievements
Clans [tCo] beat in 12v12 CQ - dN, pp, iCon, I4L, 6FU, vVv,
CTG, D3vZ x2, cR, EVO, vFv, CyS, AnV, QD, EVL, VaLR, OPIN,
RpG, eQs, LGN , DOM, RVN, cF, loL, TNU, dVb, MFH, RaW,
POR (Team Portugal), RdE, FK, CQP, HELL, POL, PSK, tDn,
Kr6, Qaa, CRC (Costa Rica), vVx, eF, eA, LH, OsMoZe, 7ds,
tCo has played each team numerous amounts of time
E-sport achievements:
♛ Season 2 Fraggednation.com Ladder 12v12 CQ - 2nd Place
♛ Season 3 Fraggednation.com Ladder 12v12 CQ - Semi Finalist
♛ Season 4 Fraggednation.com Ladder 12v12 CQ - Quarter Finalist
♛ Pain Street Gaming Tournament 4v4 SQR - 2nd Place
♛ BC2 Squad Rush Tournament - 1st Place
▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜtHe CraZy oNeSஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Community platoon for tCo...
We have one and only goal, is to take over the world........
We started in BC2. Came Top 3 in every tournament entered.
... and CBS stole our name ..
TS Server:
tCo will be going to PC for BF4
Apply if interested. We are taking applications currently to make a full roster. This won't be set roster until close to BF4 and admins will make their decisions then.
Currently we are looking to play 8 v 8+. Please contact Leaders.
♛tCo Website:
♛Clans tCo has played on BF3 PC:
aQ, EVO, beer, SeK x3, cLx, nW, vK ( score tCo 4 - 0 vk, xD lul ), tA, gC, NAP, 30cm, Ne, PLS, oC, uT,
SERVER: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/pc/1a22c769-9616-43ff-bab3-51aa82d78942/Multiplay-Fun-Balance-Server/
BF3 on PS3 - Achievements
Clans [tCo] beat in 12v12 CQ - dN, pp, iCon, I4L, 6FU, vVv,
CTG, D3vZ x2, cR, EVO, vFv, CyS, AnV, QD, EVL, VaLR, OPIN,
RpG, eQs, LGN , DOM, RVN, cF, loL, TNU, dVb, MFH, RaW,
POR (Team Portugal), RdE, FK, CQP, HELL, POL, PSK, tDn,
Kr6, Qaa, CRC (Costa Rica), vVx, eF, eA, LH, OsMoZe, 7ds,
tCo has played each team numerous amounts of time
E-sport achievements:
♛ Season 2 Fraggednation.com Ladder 12v12 CQ - 2nd Place
♛ Season 3 Fraggednation.com Ladder 12v12 CQ - Semi Finalist
♛ Season 4 Fraggednation.com Ladder 12v12 CQ - Quarter Finalist
♛ Pain Street Gaming Tournament 4v4 SQR - 2nd Place
♛ BC2 Squad Rush Tournament - 1st Place
▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜtHe CraZy oNeSஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬