Platoon Presentation
Vous en avez raz le bol de vous faire kick ou ban ? vous etes dans la bonne section. Le but de cette section est d' unir les forces des joueurs de battlefield ( c'est l'essence même de battlefield ) pour signalez les abus des administrateurs. Lorsqu un joueur se fait kick ou ban d' un serveur il doit signaler le joueur dans un premier temps, ensuite ils donnent le nom du serveur au autres joueurs, pour qu ils puissent allez jouer sur le serveur.Si il se font bannir aussi, ils pourront le signalez a leur tour afin de calmer les administrateurs qui s' amusent a kick ou ban. Unissons nos forces contre les administrateurs qui abusent !!!!!
You're sick and tired of you kick or ban? you are in the right section. The purpose of this section is to join forces players battlefield (this is the essence of battlefield) to point out the abuses of directors. When a player is kick or ban a server must report the player first, then they give the name of the server to other players for that they can go play on the serveur.Si there are also banned, they can point out in turn to calm administrators' s fun to kick or ban. Join forces in order to calm the administrator who abuse!!
You're sick and tired of you kick or ban? you are in the right section. The purpose of this section is to join forces players battlefield (this is the essence of battlefield) to point out the abuses of directors. When a player is kick or ban a server must report the player first, then they give the name of the server to other players for that they can go play on the serveur.Si there are also banned, they can point out in turn to calm administrators' s fun to kick or ban. Join forces in order to calm the administrator who abuse!!
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