Kill-Feed Mafia
Tag: [KFM] Fans: 6 Created: 2013-02-24

Platoon Presentation

We are a new respectable platoon looking for experienced gamers who are looking for a team to win matches with. More importantly you have to be willing to accept the fact that you are not the best and that there is always room for improvement.
- We will evaluate new recruits but do not worry we look for players who get along with the clan and can listen to leadership.
- While in public servers show the utmost respect, and dignity. You represent KFM so present us as respectable helpful gamers.
- If we are forced to kick a player from KFM then a hearing will be held and the player will have a chance to express his opinion on why he should stay in. If the reason for being kicked is severe than it will be left to the decision of the clan founders.
- You may apply to rejoin at the discretion of appropriate leadership.
- Once we reach 15 members then the highest ranking leaders will hand out the Kill-Feed Mastery Medal once a month to a member who we feel: was the most dedicated, tried his/her best to play the objective, tried his/her hardest to improve, and attempted to help out in a respectable manner. Although the medal doesn't exist the recipient will recieve a $20 PSN card and his/her gamertag(online ID) will be displayed on the platoon page for a month.
- Although they do have authority over you it is no excuse for abusing power. we are a very democratic based platoon and we will cycle through leadership so each member has a chance to prove his skill.
- With each new promotion up the chain of command more privileges will be unlocked allowing those who are dedicated enough to earn the right to effect the platoon.
---------------------------------------------------------YOUR ROLE-----------------------------------------------------
- You must be active and should participate regularly in clan activities such as public games and practices. A failure to be active will result in a warning. Second warning will result in a meeting and the third warning you will be written up to be kicked.
- If you have plans and will not be able to play for more than two weeks in a row you must let a leader know ahead of time.
- You are to follow your squad leaders instructions in public games and clan battles unless told otherwise buy clan leaders.
- Ask yourself during games if what you are doing or if how you are playing will cause your team to lose.
- For right now you do not have to constantly check your battlelog but in the future we will have messages you must hoah to show you are checking up on battlelog.

-Each member has a voice and if you have: questions, concerns, suggestions, advice, or feel you have been wronged or disrespected in any way by anyone (including leadership) please feel free to tell us. In fact we strongly urge you, because you're input is highly appreciated and it allows us to strengthen as a platoon.
- everyone has the ability to suggest new recruits but acceptance will be left to high ranking officials in the platoon.
- If you are a new member specific rules and regulations will be verbally explained to you appon acceptance into KFM. thank you for your time and we hope to see you on the kill-feed!

Platoon feed

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