Online Combat Group 2
Platoon Presentation
Online Combat Group (OCG) is a clan system designed to provide the right environment for the right players. With that in mind, if you have any thoughts, comments and/or suggestions then please feel free to drop a message to Younderstudent30. We are always looking to make OCG better!
TO JOIN - Requirements vary and new recruits will be pulled from CG3. Generally, we look for a decent K/D 07 and clear experience on the battlefield. If you're only interested in casual gameplay with friends, stick to CG3! If you want to join CG2 then please apply to join CG3 first. After a few games, and if you show interest, you will be sent an invite for CG2. Once accepted into CG2, we will now ask you to leave CG3 in order to make more room for new recruits!
CG2 requires active members who are willing to work as a team! Mics are mandatory - we use communication and tactics to defeat the enemy on the battlefield!
OCG plays in a variety of timezones as the founder is in the UK and the leaders are in the UK + US Our membership stretches from one side of the world to another so you shouldn't have a problem finding someone to team up with. Remember to add all other members on the battlelog and XBL so can find them easily in game. Add people from CG3 as well for a larger pool of potential team mates.
Enjoy your stay and we will see you on the battlefield!
1. Friendship
2. Respect
3. Loyalty
4. Dedication
5. Teamwork
6. Wear the CG2 tag at all times
Your CG2 Leaders are: Navey and nicwolverine , hockey
SEARCH AND SAVE Online Combat Group CG2
TO JOIN - Requirements vary and new recruits will be pulled from CG3. Generally, we look for a decent K/D 07 and clear experience on the battlefield. If you're only interested in casual gameplay with friends, stick to CG3! If you want to join CG2 then please apply to join CG3 first. After a few games, and if you show interest, you will be sent an invite for CG2. Once accepted into CG2, we will now ask you to leave CG3 in order to make more room for new recruits!
CG2 requires active members who are willing to work as a team! Mics are mandatory - we use communication and tactics to defeat the enemy on the battlefield!
OCG plays in a variety of timezones as the founder is in the UK and the leaders are in the UK + US Our membership stretches from one side of the world to another so you shouldn't have a problem finding someone to team up with. Remember to add all other members on the battlelog and XBL so can find them easily in game. Add people from CG3 as well for a larger pool of potential team mates.
Enjoy your stay and we will see you on the battlefield!
1. Friendship
2. Respect
3. Loyalty
4. Dedication
5. Teamwork
6. Wear the CG2 tag at all times
Your CG2 Leaders are: Navey and nicwolverine , hockey
SEARCH AND SAVE Online Combat Group CG2
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