OG T.F.T. 13: X krew
Tag: [TFT] Fans: 4 Created: 2013-03-23

Platoon Presentation

We Be Trippin' FRIPpin' ThugzZ...

President Of the TFT's: TheVaude
Head of the PS3 section: Reverend Special K
Head Pimps: Reverend Special K and Koponenn
Head financier: Weed_Gunman
Head Hype Man: TFT_Fenda
Conscripted Soviet Connection: DimitryStrelnikov

Blacklisted Hatuhs!!:


FRIP: Forumfield Resistance In Progress

We lookin' to expand our organization, if you interested in joining, we can always find a spot fo' you... Unless you're on da playa hata blacklis'!!


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