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Platoon Presentation
The first known bodygards of the world... - the Speculatores Praetoriani-
Some interesting facts:
"The Speculatores were recruited from the best riders of the Praetorian cavalry; they became the unit that was entrusted with the protection of the emperor in Rome [...]"
--> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speculatores
"The Praetorian Guard (Latin: Praetoriani) was a force of bodyguards used by Roman Emperors [...]"
"They were an elite recruitment of Roman citizens and Latins. The emperors also often employed a small separate unit of bodyguards[...]"
--> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Praetorian_Guard
"The pugio (Plural: Pugiones) was a dagger used by Roman soldiers as a sidearm. It seems likely that the pugio was intended as an auxiliary weapon. [...]
The dagger was a common weapon of assassination and suicide; for example, the conspirators who stabbed Julius Caesar used pugiones."
--> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pugio
"Scutum (pron.: /ˈskuːtəm/; plural scuta) is the Latin word for "shield", although it has in modern times come to be specifically associated with the rectangular, semi-cylindrical body shield carried by Roman legionaries [...]"
--> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutum_%28shield%29
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F R I E N D ´s , V I P ´s & M V P ´s
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- SCUTUM ET GLADIO PRO GLORIA - ☠ ☠ ☠ ★ ☠ ☠ ☠ - Speculatores Praetoriani-
Our platoon defends FRIENDs, VIPs & MVPs - we are SCUT!
[SCUT] Platoon Rules:
► Fun, fun, fun and smile :)
► If we defend a VIP together, we should change our clan tags to [SCUT]
► If we wear [SCUT], we shouldn´t hunt VIP´s
The first known bodygards of the world... - the Speculatores Praetoriani-
Some interesting facts:
"The Speculatores were recruited from the best riders of the Praetorian cavalry; they became the unit that was entrusted with the protection of the emperor in Rome [...]"
--> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speculatores
"The Praetorian Guard (Latin: Praetoriani) was a force of bodyguards used by Roman Emperors [...]"
"They were an elite recruitment of Roman citizens and Latins. The emperors also often employed a small separate unit of bodyguards[...]"
--> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Praetorian_Guard
"The pugio (Plural: Pugiones) was a dagger used by Roman soldiers as a sidearm. It seems likely that the pugio was intended as an auxiliary weapon. [...]
The dagger was a common weapon of assassination and suicide; for example, the conspirators who stabbed Julius Caesar used pugiones."
--> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pugio
"Scutum (pron.: /ˈskuːtəm/; plural scuta) is the Latin word for "shield", although it has in modern times come to be specifically associated with the rectangular, semi-cylindrical body shield carried by Roman legionaries [...]"
--> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutum_%28shield%29
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F R I E N D ´s , V I P ´s & M V P ´s
☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☆ ⊐▮⊏☰ ★ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠
- SCUTUM ET GLADIO PRO GLORIA - ☠ ☠ ☠ ★ ☠ ☠ ☠ - Speculatores Praetoriani-
Our platoon defends FRIENDs, VIPs & MVPs - we are SCUT!
[SCUT] Platoon Rules:
► Fun, fun, fun and smile :)
► If we defend a VIP together, we should change our clan tags to [SCUT]
► If we wear [SCUT], we shouldn´t hunt VIP´s
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