Tavros Gaming Recruits
Platoon Presentation
Welcome to Tavros Gaming Recruits !!
Management - VIRU-GOKU / DishyAirplane / l_PuNk_l
ESL - http://tinyurl.com/TavrosGamingESL
Server - http://tinyurl.com/TavrosGamingServer
Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/DishyAirplane1
Facebook - http://tinyurl.com/TavrosGamingRecruitsFacebook
Pass : tavros
Match Rules:- https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ap1pMBc90k27tdBzoLJOGr8UwlRfuGOlyet2HL4kv4/edit
Clan Rules:-
- Be Regular
- Be present on TS
- Be Respectful
- No Multi-clanning
- You should have [TAVr] clan tag at all times. If you want to remove or change it even for a single match then you might as well leave the clan.
PS: Remember, Everyone is Welcome here & Everyone in here is a part of 'Tavros Gaming', but for competitive Gaming, Players will be 'Cherry Picked'
Management - VIRU-GOKU / DishyAirplane / l_PuNk_l
ESL - http://tinyurl.com/TavrosGamingESL
Server - http://tinyurl.com/TavrosGamingServer
Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/DishyAirplane1
Facebook - http://tinyurl.com/TavrosGamingRecruitsFacebook
Pass : tavros
Match Rules:- https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ap1pMBc90k27tdBzoLJOGr8UwlRfuGOlyet2HL4kv4/edit
Clan Rules:-
- Be Regular
- Be present on TS
- Be Respectful
- No Multi-clanning
- You should have [TAVr] clan tag at all times. If you want to remove or change it even for a single match then you might as well leave the clan.
PS: Remember, Everyone is Welcome here & Everyone in here is a part of 'Tavros Gaming', but for competitive Gaming, Players will be 'Cherry Picked'
Platoon feed
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