Tag: [mEOw] Web: Official website Fans: 1 Created: 2013-04-15

Platoon Presentation

The walrus was named for ‘toothwalker’ because it often uses its distinctive tusks to help itself drag its body across the ice or land. Formally called Odobenus rosmarus, most scientists consider the walrus to consist of two subspecies – the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) and the Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus). The Pacific walrus is larger, darker and much more numerous.

There is no accurate population census for the walrus but it is believed there are over 200,000 Pacific walrus and only a few thousand Atlantic walrus individuals. They have been heavily exploited by man for food, hides, and their ivory tusks. Walruses can be found in most areas of the Arctic Ocean feeding on benthic shellfish.
Walruses spend one third of their time on land or pack ice and the other two thirds in the ocean. They appear awkward on land but graceful in the water where they feel most comfortable. A walrus can live for forty years or more and is, indeed, a unique and marvelous creature of this earth.

Resting walrus group with one member awake. Notice the walrus with its tusks raised as it squints to see who is nearby. Walruses have poor eyesight but are very curious. When groups are asleep and people come near them you must move slowly and quietly so as not to disturb the entire group. One by one they wake up and look around to see what is happening, then go back to sleep. If they are startled they may all rise and stampede to the water ... trampling the babies or young ones.

Walrus tusks are found on both the male and the female where they grow continually throughout their life. The tusks are used as a symbol of age, sex, and social status. The babies have no tusks when they are born. The tusks of the males are much longer and wider in proportion to their body than those of the female. The males use their tusks as a symbol of their masculinity – turning their heads and thrusting their tusks up in a show to prove their dominance. Tusks are also used as weapons in fighting, to help in walking on land (the toothwalkers) and they have a minor role in feeding.
Walruses have no external ear, an adaptation to the cold (reducing any external appendages). It is just a small hole which is hard to see with all of their wrinkles. The fat body with rumpled brown skin is characteristic of adult walruses.
Rosy skin of sunning adult walruses is typical after several hours in the sun. As walruses age they tend to loose their brown hair so the older adults may appear almost hairless. The color of their skin can change from being very pale to rosy pink. This color change is because of their circulation that is restricted to the outside when they are in cold water (to conserve heat). When they are on land the circulation is restored and they often have a rosy hue.

F U AxeOfSpadez, and Tony2796 (From 1RS)

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