(*)(@#$ (rage!)
Tag: [tag] Fans: 2 Created: 2013-04-21

Platoon Presentation

the whole idea of not having a founder & everyone being leader was a nice one
until the last platoon got jacked :( by some er... undesirable elements

- alien
- vivar
- saikat
- freak
- alice
- razor
- viper/cata
- hells
- 3Dwaffle
- dtb007

Please! join. and we can have our good ol' small platoon once more :D

pending invites sent as usual for:

- defy shree
- sir godfather
- nfs
- broOliy
- lord 0rchid
- cozy (dead)
- f0urteenk

and about the name: idk. we can think about that later

Platoon feed

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