Ludere Gaming
Platoon Presentation
We're currently looking for a well-skilled Infantry Fighting Vehicle driver who has got the know-how as an Engineer as well. Contact the leadership if you're interested. It's required that you specialize in driving the IFV excactly like others specializes as an on-foot soldier or as a stationary marksman. It's required that you know what to do in most if not every situation! Fall back! Repair! Change position! Stay mobile! Do note that we clearly do not accept every player that applies, but do so anyways - you might get lucky!
We're currently looking for a well-skilled Assault player who knows his/her way around the map. One that knows, how do I put this delicately, a lot more than just the usual foot soldier. Contact the leadership if you're interested.
Before applying to Ludere Gaming, you'd want to send a friend request to one of the members in the leadership. Players come to us to seek their fame, but sometimes we too, find those who do not yet know, what LuDo is all about. Those joining will be put on a trial before becoming a true LuDonian - we'll only take care of one trial (one player) at a time. Do no get dissapointed if we do not grant you a membership straight away. We have very strict guide lines when it comes to recruiting and we do not wish to fulfill your dreams of becoming a part of our community if we do not enjoy almost every single part of your characters content - being a good player does not make you more quialified than others, who are not as good as you might be, if you lack those skills we seek. Of course, being a good player adds joy to the way we look upon you as a possible future member. While we're at it, we have our own ritual when it comes to recruiting - you'll discover it once you're accepted.
Enough about membership! All LuDonians have a say when topics become open for voting or when certain things have the need to be discussed. LuDonians are too believers, that teamwork is the key to every sucess - especially within the gameplay of the Battlefield franchise. By working together as one - as a team - you're able to achieve those things, you might have thought impossible in the past. Besides that, your over-all gaming experience will reach the levels, you've always dreamt about. In public we play to win, but at the same time, we're able to get to laugh along with our fellow members. When scrimmages are live, it's time to put on the "game faces" - not being serious, will definetly not be tolerated and may lead to others thinking you maybe should have joined. Don't worry - these situations will be cleared out in your trial membership. When we're sure about you, we'll let you know.
Ludere Gaming will accept every scrimmage if the circumstances fits both teams perfectly. Try to maintain contact with the leadership if you'd like to become one of those platoons who we battle. What does your guts tell you? Are you ready to face us on the field? Can you put up the fight we seek and do you promise your players a victory? Let's see who becomes the true victor in the end, shall we? Scrimmages are most likely to be fought on Saturdays at 20:00 or 21:00 GMT +1.
Scrimmage Buddies:
[OpsG] Operative Gaming
[BL] Blaues Licht
[TRU] Tactical Response Unit
(STANDBY) Practice Match every Wednesday evening versus OpsG between 9PM and 10PM GMT +1
(STANDBY) Practice Match every Sunday evening versus TRU between 9PM and 10PM GMT +1
We're currently looking for a well-skilled Infantry Fighting Vehicle driver who has got the know-how as an Engineer as well. Contact the leadership if you're interested. It's required that you specialize in driving the IFV excactly like others specializes as an on-foot soldier or as a stationary marksman. It's required that you know what to do in most if not every situation! Fall back! Repair! Change position! Stay mobile! Do note that we clearly do not accept every player that applies, but do so anyways - you might get lucky!
We're currently looking for a well-skilled Assault player who knows his/her way around the map. One that knows, how do I put this delicately, a lot more than just the usual foot soldier. Contact the leadership if you're interested.
Before applying to Ludere Gaming, you'd want to send a friend request to one of the members in the leadership. Players come to us to seek their fame, but sometimes we too, find those who do not yet know, what LuDo is all about. Those joining will be put on a trial before becoming a true LuDonian - we'll only take care of one trial (one player) at a time. Do no get dissapointed if we do not grant you a membership straight away. We have very strict guide lines when it comes to recruiting and we do not wish to fulfill your dreams of becoming a part of our community if we do not enjoy almost every single part of your characters content - being a good player does not make you more quialified than others, who are not as good as you might be, if you lack those skills we seek. Of course, being a good player adds joy to the way we look upon you as a possible future member. While we're at it, we have our own ritual when it comes to recruiting - you'll discover it once you're accepted.
Enough about membership! All LuDonians have a say when topics become open for voting or when certain things have the need to be discussed. LuDonians are too believers, that teamwork is the key to every sucess - especially within the gameplay of the Battlefield franchise. By working together as one - as a team - you're able to achieve those things, you might have thought impossible in the past. Besides that, your over-all gaming experience will reach the levels, you've always dreamt about. In public we play to win, but at the same time, we're able to get to laugh along with our fellow members. When scrimmages are live, it's time to put on the "game faces" - not being serious, will definetly not be tolerated and may lead to others thinking you maybe should have joined. Don't worry - these situations will be cleared out in your trial membership. When we're sure about you, we'll let you know.
Ludere Gaming will accept every scrimmage if the circumstances fits both teams perfectly. Try to maintain contact with the leadership if you'd like to become one of those platoons who we battle. What does your guts tell you? Are you ready to face us on the field? Can you put up the fight we seek and do you promise your players a victory? Let's see who becomes the true victor in the end, shall we? Scrimmages are most likely to be fought on Saturdays at 20:00 or 21:00 GMT +1.
Scrimmage Buddies:
[OpsG] Operative Gaming
[BL] Blaues Licht
[TRU] Tactical Response Unit
(STANDBY) Practice Match every Wednesday evening versus OpsG between 9PM and 10PM GMT +1
(STANDBY) Practice Match every Sunday evening versus TRU between 9PM and 10PM GMT +1
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