The ScAv3nGers
Tag: [TSG] Web: Official website Fans: 6 Created: 2013-05-04

Platoon Presentation

This is a Social Clan, so enjoy the GAME


1)Have Fun!
2)Be social!
3)No Hacking will be allowed in clan!

There isn't any more rules cause its war!

We are a bunch of awesome players that decided to join up and start something social. We are actively recruiting and are looking for players that like to have fun but also like to get serious when it comes down to it.

We prefer players to have Teamspeak 3.

U can join no matter what ur stats looks like.

The Teamspeak 3 ip is.

Address: room name is Battlefiled 3
password = TSG

We will get clannies just for fun!!!!!!!!!!


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