Tag: [N64] Fans: 0 Created: 2013-05-29

Platoon Presentation

[i]Oh, Navi the fairy... Listen to my words, the words of the Deku Tree... Dost thou sense it? The climate of evil descending upon this realm... Malevolent forces even now are mustering to attack our land of Hyrule...

For so long, the Kokiri Forest, the source of life, has stood as a barrier, deterring outsiders and maintaining the order of the world... But...before this tremendous evil power, even my power isas nothing.

It seems the time has come for the boy without a fairy to begin his journey... The youth whose destiny it is to lead Hyrule to the path of justice and truth...

Navi...go now! Find our young friend and guide him to me... I do not have much time left. Fly, Navi, fly! The fate of the forest, nay, the world, depends upon thee![/i]

[b]There are three hollows and
an inscription here....
Ye who owns 3 Spiritual Stones
Stand with the Ocarina of Time
And play the Song of Time
That is how the inscription reads.

That's right... The Temple of Time
is the entrance through which you
can enter the Sacred Realm from
our world.
But the entrance is sealed with
a stone wall called the
Door of Time.
And, in order to open the door,
it is said that you need to collect
three Spiritual Stones.
And another thing you need...is
the treasure that the Royal Family
keeps along with this legend...

The three goddesses hid the
Triforce containing the power of
the gods somewhere in Hyrule.
The power
to grant the wish of the one who
holds the Triforce in his hands.
If someone with a righteous heart
makes a wish, it will lead Hyrule
to a golden age of prosperity....
If someone with an evil mind has
his wish granted, the world will
be consumed by evil...That is what
has been told....
So, the ancient Sages built
the Temple of Time to protect the
Triforce from evil on[/strike]es.[/b][/b]

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