An Cool Dudes
Platoon Presentation
Kills,Deaths,Kill Assits,Score/Min,Quits*,Weapon Accuracy *.Highest Kill-streak*,Skill*,Knife and/or Dog-Tags and what character Camo you use does NOT! matter.
* The Higher the better.
* The Lower the better.
* You guessed it, the Lower the better
* If you're thinking about joining this clan you obviously have a High K/D and therefore an immense amount of Skill.
This platoon is dedicated to the ONE! thing we all care about... K/D.
P.S. Before I forget, ALL! members must NOT! have a mic, because who needs communication, right?
See ya out there fellow K/D lovers.
* The Higher the better.
* The Lower the better.
* You guessed it, the Lower the better
* If you're thinking about joining this clan you obviously have a High K/D and therefore an immense amount of Skill.
This platoon is dedicated to the ONE! thing we all care about... K/D.
P.S. Before I forget, ALL! members must NOT! have a mic, because who needs communication, right?
See ya out there fellow K/D lovers.
Platoon feed
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