Tag: [GUTS] Fans: 2 Created: 2013-08-13

Platoon Presentation

Welcome to NoobCamp!

NoobCamp is a platoon for newcomers and players that need more training. Though we love to have fun together, we are a high-level competitive clan challenging the known best and the so-called best, which is why these requirements must be met before joining to support the team in a competition.

CEP -- Clan Entry Prerequisite -- 700+pts to PASS (70% min):

EA Sport (200pts), HCT (300pts), and TQ (500pts) = 1,000pts

EA Sport -- Equipment and Attendance = 200pts

Equipment = 100pts

Full access to Game System and Game -- 360, Xbox One, and BF3/BF4
Obtain Xbox Live Account and Battlelog
Have Headset, Controller, and Game in working order

Attendance -- 16 play hrs in month = 100pts

4 days a week
2 weekdays -- 1hrs per gameplay
2 Weekends -- 1hrs per gameplay

HCT -- High Competitive Training = 300pts

Campaign (Hard) =100pts
4 Co-Op with SqdLdr (Hard) -- 25pts each mission at 60% of total kills = 100pts

GRUNTS -- Operation Exodus, Exfiltration, Hit and Run, The Eleventh Hour
GFORCE -- Operation Exodus, Fire In The Sky, Drop'em Like Liquid, The Eleventh Hour

ATF -- Advance Training Forces = 100pts (Recommend to complete after TQ -- Ten Qualifications)

ATF (Breakdown):
SqdDM -- 1v1v1v1 -- 40 Tickets -- each kill 0.25pts -- total 10pts
PTP -- Protect The President -- 2 attempts 5pts -- 1 final 5pts -- total 10pts
SAR -- Search And Rescue -- 2 attempts 5pts -- 1 final 5pts -- total 10pts
STN -- Second To None -- 4 kills -- 2.5pts each kill = total 10pts
BAS -- Bare Arm Strength -- 10 kills at 2.0 K/D = total 10pts
ON-U -- Out-numbering yoU -- 20 Tickets -- Maintain 2.0 K/D = total 10pts
Gun Master Top 3 -- 3x or 1 MVP = 10pts
CQ Top 3 -- 3x or 1 MVP = 10pts
CVI -- Comboys Vs Indians Top 3 -- 3x or 2 MVP -- 1 type each played -- 3x = 3.33pts and 2 MVP = 5pts each 1 = total 10pts
PAL -- Perform, Attend, and Learn -- 9pts plus 1pt for 6pts and higher = total 10pts

TQ -- Ten Qualifications = 500pts

GHK -- GUTS History and Knowledge = 50pts
Shooting -- HAC -- Hit, Aim, and Control -- 2 attempts 25pts, 1 final 25pts = 50pts
Survival -- THEM -- Teamwork, Health, Evade, and Mapping -- 2 attempts 25pts, 1 final 25pts = 50pts
Cover -- IDAM -- Identification, Defend, Attack, and Move -- 2 attempts 25pts, 1 final 25pts = 50pts
CQ -- SWAT -- Swift Weapons, Angles, and Tactics -- 2 attempts 25pts, 1 final 25pts = 50pts
Flanking -- SLQ -- Silent, Lethal, and Quick -- 2 attempts 25pts, 1 final 25pts = 50pts
Decoy -- 3D -- Distract, Draw-out, and Divert = 50pts
In-N-Out -- KNG -- Knife aNd Grenade -- 2 attempts 25pts, 1 final 25pts = 50pts
Sqd Speciality -- VPWR -- Vehicle, Priority, Weapons, and Role -- 5 Tickets -- 10pts each kill = 50pts
Initiation -- FAST -- Fight All, Stress Test = 50pts

Extra Credit -- Complete BF3 63 Achievements -- Guide: -- 2pts each = total 126 pts
(Must be approved by High Council only after CEP is completed )

CEP Program for NoobCamp approved by High Council (Colyonce, LegitBeast, Juggernaughty, and Escalation)



GUTS Copyright 4/16/2014

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