Platoon Presentation
Welcome to Oscarmike.com - Your dedicated BF3 community with over 1000 members!
Oscarmike.com is an open community commited to offering an entertaining Battlefield experience. We focus on running 64 player conquest large servers without absurd gameplay limiting rules. Our admins do not meddle and are actively engaged in the war on cheaters.
Our player friendly and unobtrusive yet diligent server management regularly places the Oscarmike.com BF3 servers amongst the highest ranks in terms of popularity. With the Vanilla Conquest server even giving Op. Metro 24/7 servers a run for their money in the world wide top 10.
In order to assure a cheater free enviroment all our servers feature/are protected by PBBans-Streams, metabans.com, CheatDetector as well as an active admin team monitoring ingame events, reviewing bans and appeals.
If thats not enough of a reason the community might convice you with an active forum, website live chat, regular event updates, subsidiary projects/websites and of course our focus on playing the objective with VOIP on Ts3: ts.oscarmike.com
Sign up today at www.oscarmike.com and experience Battlefield 3 the way its meant to be played.
TS3 & BF3 Server Quick Links
>> Teamspeak3: ts.oscarmike.com
>> Oscarmike.com #1 - Vanilla Conquest 64 slot: http://vanilla.oscarmike.com
>> Oscarmike.com #2 - B2K Conquest 64 slot: http://b2k.oscarmike.com
>> Oscarmike.com #3 - Ziba Tower 24/7 48 slot: http://ziba.oscarmike.com
>> Oscarmike.com #4 - End Game 64 slot: http://eg.oscarmike.com
>> Player Rankings: http://stats.oscarmike.com
We have introduced oM Premium for users who choose to support Oscarmike.com through monetary donations. All donors receive reserved slots, clan tag rights and a few other prestige features. oM Premium lasts 30 days and is awarded for any amount contributed. 100% of the proceeds go towards keeping the Oscarmike.com BF3 servers online. We want to thank all donors for supporting us in our endeavour to provide some of the most popular BF3 servers out there.
Get Premium here: http://premium.oscarmike.com
Past donations here: http://balance.oscarmike.com
Oscarmike.com is an open community commited to offering an entertaining Battlefield experience. We focus on running 64 player conquest large servers without absurd gameplay limiting rules. Our admins do not meddle and are actively engaged in the war on cheaters.
Our player friendly and unobtrusive yet diligent server management regularly places the Oscarmike.com BF3 servers amongst the highest ranks in terms of popularity. With the Vanilla Conquest server even giving Op. Metro 24/7 servers a run for their money in the world wide top 10.
In order to assure a cheater free enviroment all our servers feature/are protected by PBBans-Streams, metabans.com, CheatDetector as well as an active admin team monitoring ingame events, reviewing bans and appeals.
If thats not enough of a reason the community might convice you with an active forum, website live chat, regular event updates, subsidiary projects/websites and of course our focus on playing the objective with VOIP on Ts3: ts.oscarmike.com
Sign up today at www.oscarmike.com and experience Battlefield 3 the way its meant to be played.
TS3 & BF3 Server Quick Links
>> Teamspeak3: ts.oscarmike.com
>> Oscarmike.com #1 - Vanilla Conquest 64 slot: http://vanilla.oscarmike.com
>> Oscarmike.com #2 - B2K Conquest 64 slot: http://b2k.oscarmike.com
>> Oscarmike.com #3 - Ziba Tower 24/7 48 slot: http://ziba.oscarmike.com
>> Oscarmike.com #4 - End Game 64 slot: http://eg.oscarmike.com
>> Player Rankings: http://stats.oscarmike.com
We have introduced oM Premium for users who choose to support Oscarmike.com through monetary donations. All donors receive reserved slots, clan tag rights and a few other prestige features. oM Premium lasts 30 days and is awarded for any amount contributed. 100% of the proceeds go towards keeping the Oscarmike.com BF3 servers online. We want to thank all donors for supporting us in our endeavour to provide some of the most popular BF3 servers out there.
Get Premium here: http://premium.oscarmike.com
Past donations here: http://balance.oscarmike.com
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