Mobile Infantry
Tag: [MI] Fans: 2 Created: 2013-09-01

Platoon Presentation

Looking for a platoon?

Do you want to play with an objective orientated team?

Do you want to hear real-time information about the enemy?

Tired of that “Father of the year” on your team yelling at their kids over their mic?

Sick of that troll team killing everyone?

Are you willing to take orders and do whatever it takes to help the team win?

1st Laviathan Division wants you!

Motto- We Build, We Fight, The end, YOU DIE

Our song, The warrior song Laviathan


- We are a Mil-Sim unit, meaning we have a Chain of Command, military structure / ranks, and tactics; we are looking for members of all types regardless of experience or skill.

- We play all game modes but center around Conquest and Rush; as these bring out the best in team-based operations.

- Communication, Battlefield Awareness, and Quality Training are what gives us the advantage over our enemies.

- Superior Teamwork.

- Quality Leadership.

- Unique Custom Missions.

- Unique Training / Tactics.

- Outstanding Communication.


- Must have and use a mic or headset.

- Be a team player. The goal is to win as a team; therefore, we do not focus on KDR.

- Willingness to learn and better yourself under the supervision and guidance of a more experienced member or officer.

We WILL help you grow, become better players, and teach you new and interesting skills.


here on battlelog add Marinesniper1995 to your friends list on PSN add Up123456789

After you have done that you will be contacted within 48 hours with further instructions.
Section A - General rules for all members
Section B - In game Rules and Procedures
Section C - Meetings, Training and other Activities
Section D - Forum and Battlelog rules
Section E- Rank and Companies

Section A:
General Rules for all members

1. 1st Shadow Division (here on out labeled as "1SD"), does not tolerate discrimination, racism, or harassment by or towards any member or none member of 1SD in: Game lobbies, Chat forums, or Gaming situations of any type.

2. 1LD does not tolerate impersonating. Which means if you are caught impersonating a higher ranked official you will be black-marked and/or kicked out of the community.

3. All members will follow the chain of command with all problems.
(Assistant Squad leader -> Squad leader -> Platoon Sergeant -> Platoon Leader -> Assistant Company Leader -> Company Leader -> Assistant Battalion Leader -> Battalion Leader -> XO -> CO)

4. In order to become an enlisted Marine in the 1st Shadow Division, a Recruit must first turn in a Squad Application for their desired squad. After their application has been processed they will have a two week period to train with the squad leader. Squad leaders are to make a report after the training period is concluded and deliver it to their superior. After all tasks have been completed, the Recruit may be selected for enlistment and immediately notified of their new position in the ranks.

5. 1SD members must maintain a professional manner and attitude during play as well as within lobby chat, forums, or any other public place where the 1SD name, tag, or reputation is recognized. As a member you represent the 1SD community and your actions, good or bad, reflect on our community as a whole.

6. 1SD members are not generally permitted to be a part of any other gaming league, community, clan, or platoon that participates in Battlefield 3. Any member who wishes to be part ANY other gaming league, community, clan, or platoon must FIRST attain clearance with the Command Staff while following the chain of command.

7. All 1SD members must be of mature standing. We do not have a set age restriction, however you must be a mature player to maintain membership in this community. If we receive a number of complaints regarding a specific member of this community you will have your membership stripped and receive a dishonorable discharge.

8. All Members of 1SD are required to change their clan tag (Via Battlelog) to: "1SD"

Section B:
In Game Rules and Procedures

1. The list of prohibited activities includes, but is not limited to: Boosting, Cheating, Hacking, Glitching or any form of gaining an unfair advantage, Harassment of any kind, Teamkilling* and Acts of Disloyalty.
* Teamkilling of any kind is not allowed. If it was an accident then just apologize and move on. Retaliation is not an option for any member. Team killing IS a form of harassment and will be treated as such. Those caught doing so will only have ONE warning. The second time one is caught Teamkilling, they will receive a Dishonorable Discharge.

2. In the case that a superior Soldier or officer joins your game, all rights to command will be given to said superior. A superior officer has the right to appoint any member in the match to a leadership role during the match.

3. Marines are to follow all orders given to them by their Superior. Failure to do so will result in a Disciplinary Report and possible Disciplinary Action as seen fit by an Officer.

4. Vehicles are reserved for the specific squad they pertain to. Any one not enlisted in such a squad forfeits' their right to pilot/command/drive any jets, helis, Armor or IFV's, with Jeeps and Boats being the only exception.

1. Leaders (all commissioned officers) within 1SD are responsible for the organization of all activities and events.

2. All Members are expected to attend weekly mandatory Squad Meetings, Squad Meeting dates and times may change frequently and are arranged by the Squad Leader.

2a. Leaders and Officers will meet once every two weeks.

2b. If any Marine will not be able to attend a meeting, said Marine, will give a notice ahead of time to their superior.

2c. All Marines in an active meeting will remain quiet and listen to the leader of said meeting. If a Marine has a question or comment, Said marine will clearly announce "Break,(Marines Gamertag)" and wait until the leader has finished speaking and calls upon them to speak.

3. In all official events and/or activities all Marines will act in a professional manner and follow proper procedures as covered in 'Section B'. "Battle Comms" Will be maintained during all Scrimmages and Training.

Section D:
Forum rules

This is the golden rule. This forum is not an internet site. This is a place where game playing people can get together and discuss things in a manner similar to how they might at a game store. Trash talking is acceptable. Personal attacks or post that constitute something you wouldn't be willing to say to someone's face will not be tolerated. This is not a joke. If you break this rule consequences will range from editing/deletion of your posts to bans being handed out.

1) No trolling

2) No flaming

3) No unnecessary/excessive swearing

4) No chat or "leet" speak (see below)

5) No obscenity/pornography

6) No derogatory terms (particularly those dealing with ethnicity)

7) No spamming

8) No selling posts

9) No Intellectual Property (IP) Violations

10) No software cracks/links to illegal software downloads (requested or offered)

11) No posting images inappropriately

12) No reviving topics that are over a month dead, Threadnomancy, or Gravedigging is prohibited. If no posts have been made in a thread in more than a month then consider the thread locked. Do not reopen it. This does not apply to threads that have been made sticky.

13) No duplicate accounts (one per person please)

14) No posting under another users account

15) No discussion about sexuality, religion, or politics

16) No off topic replies anywhere aside from the appropriately named forum. Thread derailment attempts will be deleted.

Note: This is an English speaking board, therefore the language you should be posting in is English. While we aren't going to be hounding people for every single misspelled word or missed comma please, try to use the English that our fine school system taught you (or tried to at least). This means use capital letters, punctuations and paragraphs.

If at any point when posting you think it might violate one of these, then likely it will so please, think before you post.

We operate on a "3-strikes you're out" method. The moderators have say in when a warning is warranted. Typically you will get a PM of a potential issue. If that PM is ignored then the first warning will happen. After the third time you will be removed from the forum and clan. Note that severe breaking of rules may result in immediate banning. We the clan leadership understand that we can not moderate the Battlelog feed or forums, but this will not excuse our members there. All of Section A rules apply on the battle log, as do all rules of another site's forums. If you misrepresent the 1LD on Battlelog or another site's forums, you will be warned or banned from this forum and the clan.

Section E- Rank and Companies
Division Commander- Major General
Regiment Commander- Colonel
Battalion Commander- Lt. Colonel
Company Commander- Captain
Assistant Company Commander-

Platoon Leader- 1st Lt.
Assistant Platoon Leader- 2nd Lt.

Squad 1
Fireteam Alpha
Squad Leader-Sergeant
Soldier- Private
Fireteam Bravo
Assistant squad leader-Corporal
Soldier- Private

Squad 2
Fireteam Charlie
Squad Leader-Sergeant
Soldier- Private
Fireteam Delta
Assistant squad leader- Corporal
Soldier- private

Squad 3
Fireteam Echo
Squad Leader- Sergeant
Fireteam Foxtrot
Assistant Squad Leader- Corporal
Soldier- Private

Squad 4
Fireteam Golf
Squad Leader- Sergeant
Soldier- Private
Fireteam Hotel
Assistant Squad Leader- Corporal
Soldier- Private
Division Commander-Major General
Regiment Commander- Colonel
Battalion Commander- Lt. Colonel
Company Commander- Captain
Assistant Company Commander-

Platoon Leader- 1st. Lt.
Assistant Platoon Leader- 2nd Lt.

Squad 1
Fireteam Alpha
Squad Leader- Seargent
Soldier- Private
Fireteam Bravo
Assistant Squad Leader- Corporal

Squad 2
Fireteam Charlie
Squad Leader- Sergeant
Fireteam Delta
Assistant Squad Leader- Corporal

Squad 3
Fireteam Echo
Squad Leader- Sergeant
Soldier- Private
Fireteam Foxtrot
Assistant Squad Leader- Corporal

Squad 4
Fireteam Golf
Squad Leader- Sergeant
Soldier- Private
Division Commander- Major General
Regiment Commander- Colonel
Battalion Commander- Lt. Colonel
Company Commander- Captain
Assistant Company Commander-

Platoon Leader- 1st Lt.
Assistant Platoon Leader- 2nd Lt.

Squad 1
Fireteam Alpha
Squad Leader- Sergeant
Fireteam Bravo
Assistant Squad Leader- Corporal
Soldier- Private

Squad 2
Fireteam Charlie
Squad Leader- Sergeant
Soldier- Private
Fireteam Delta
Assistant Squad Leader-

Squad 3
Fireteam Echo
Squad Leader- Sergeant
Soldier- Private
Assistant Squad Leader- Corporal
Soldier- Private

Squad 4
Fireteam Golf
Squad Leader- Sergeant
Soldier- Private
Assistant Squad Leader- Corporal
Soldier- Private
Division Commander- Major General
Regiment Commander- Colonel
Battalion Commander- Lt. Colonel
Company Commander- Captain
Assistant Company Commander-

Platoon Leader- 1st Lt.
Assistant Platoon Leader- 2nd Lt.

Squad 1
Fireteam Alpha
Squad Leader-Sergeant
Soldier- Private
Fireteam Bravo
Assistant squad leader-Corporal
Soldier- Private

Squad 2
Fireteam Charlie
Squad Leader-Sergeant
Soldier- Private
Fireteam Delta
Assistant squad leader- Corporal
Soldier- private

Squad 3
Fireteam Echo
Squad Leader- Sergeant
Fireteam Foxtrot
Assistant Squad Leader- Corporal
Soldier- Private

Squad 4
Fireteam Golf
Squad Leader- Sergeant
Soldier- Private
Fireteam Hotel
Assistant Squad Leader- Corporal
Soldier- Private


COMMANDER Up123456789

Platoon feed

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