~ΩKillers From HellΩ~
Tag: [KH] Web: Official website Fans: 1 Created: 2013-10-31

Platoon Presentation

Leader: KH SnOoPy

1: Most important rule is that Follow the Rules.
2: Respect every member and respect other clan members too.
3: Never argue with leaders.
4: Only English Language is Allowed and those who cant speak English well they should leave Clan immediately.
5: Leaders are warned to recruit only pro players 15+age because players should have some common sense of clan and how to be in clan.
6: If a member is not regular and doesn't come online for more than 15 days with out informing, he will be kicked immediately.
7: Once someone left Clan he cant join clan again
8: If any member abuse another member he will be kicked.
9: KH Snoopy have right make more co leaders or remove co leaders so any one should feel jelous.
10: Dont ask for admin, VIP or anything, you will get ranked when you deserve.
11: Dont be a talking machine talk less and show more
12 If any one caught hacking will be kicked from clan and also will be banned from servers
13: If any one disagree these rules see rule no 1.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/369861056437752/

NOTE: This is actually a CoD2 and CoD4 clan, this Platoon is just an Extension.

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