Cheez GraphiX
Tag: [BF4] Web: Official website Fans: 5 Created: 2013-11-28

Platoon Presentation

I'm kimcheez, but they call me cheez, kim, kimmy, and more! Im not just any designor but I'm also a competitive Heli pilot in Battlefield. i also love kimchi...but hate cheese!! And yus im korean :) 안녕
I love making graphics or anything that has to do with this field, and push to become the best while learning and striving to become better and more experienced. I began using Photoshop back in 2012 and became very interested in graphic designing over the past years. I can make Gravatars, emblems, banners, .GiF, and many more graphics. i can also make youtube intros, backgrounds, as well as edit videos and make montages etc. This has become a hobby i love and hopefully do in the future. Please Fan and join me as i make more stuff for people for free. Also spread da word!!

I am currently learning how to use adobe Premiere pro CS6 for video editing and will be doing more of this in the coming months for BF4 montages, intros, etc. :D

Please join this platoon and comment and/or write a post if u wish to have a custom GraphiX.
It may take a while for me to make a Graphic for you D: Im a very busy person so sowwy in advance :3
if u havent recieved a grav yet...remind me ;) might have forgot lol :P
Please do not add me on BL or PSN if you want a grav "(

If you wish to see all the Graphics i have made, just click on the official website.
Thank you for stopping by :D - Kimcheez

Clans with custom Gravs/ Presentation visuals, etc
AlMightY (original):

Here are some of the Graphics I have made:

VertiX_RuskiZ : Team VertiX Gravatars
Megatron Gravatar
Official AlMightY Emblem 2013
Night-Light Gravtar
IZUN-Now Grav
Official AlMightY custom Gravs
My Youtube video :

Betterbattlelog is needed to see presentation*** o.O? : [] Ur Welcome!!!
Choudin <3

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