TDD - The Devil Dogs
Tag: [TDD] Web: Official website Fans: 0 Created: 2014-04-21

Platoon Presentation

The Devil Dogs were formed on March 24th, 2014 in a split from AoG. The Devil Dogs is a multi-platform clan with the main base on Battlefield 3&4. The clan is run by the three leaders ranked at General, they are as follows: Joey Jaczkoski (aang2014), Ethan Yates (GingieBreadBoy), and Graham Tyler (A Sinful Ace). Three leaders will promote a greater activity throughout the clan and keep responsibilities across multiple people and at a lower amount than just one leader. Also, in order to keep the clan in a more democratic fashion we have enlisted the help of 9 Lieutenant Generals. The Lieutenant Generals are as follows: John Waskey (GodOfWars18), Joe Keefer (GolfWangAK), Sean Roach (Bluntz Roachz), LucienBloody. These nine will assist the leaders in making decisions and giving advice in any matter that comes about. They have close to the same responsibilities in helping plan events and get members active.

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