Blackberry Hegemony
Platoon Presentation
This is the Official Platoon for members and friends of the Blackberry Hegemony. Membership is not contingent upon one's lack of a gravatar, nor are members of the Hegemony required to be active in this subdivision. Those within the Hegemony are, however, granted instant admission to this group should they apply, while friends wishing to lend support to our cause may join as well--provided that their intentions are pure and they renounce discrimination against the blackberry populace of forumfield.
This is NOT a platoon in the traditional sense, as explained by the inaugurating post of the Grand Inquisitor, but rather a body intended to handle the striking down of those who oppose us.
Furthermore, this is, of course, for PC users. There are plans to create separate organizations for console users.
This is NOT a platoon in the traditional sense, as explained by the inaugurating post of the Grand Inquisitor, but rather a body intended to handle the striking down of those who oppose us.
Furthermore, this is, of course, for PC users. There are plans to create separate organizations for console users.
Platoon feed
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