SuzyHawke joined the platoon Dark Signal
Dark Signal
Platoon Presentation
Dark Signal zostało założone przez Revelatora oraz Reapera w XXI wieku aby zdominować wszystkie klany o bezsensownej nazwie. Udało im się to, jednakże w tym samym wieku upadli.
Dark Signal was created by Revelator and Reaper at XXI century to dominate other platoons with meaningless names. They did it, but at same time, they fall.
We love playing with fun people who look out for their team-mates and don't get too upset when things go wrong. It's a game, but most of the time, we find most people approach life the way as they play.
Dark Signal was created by Revelator and Reaper at XXI century to dominate other platoons with meaningless names. They did it, but at same time, they fall.
We love playing with fun people who look out for their team-mates and don't get too upset when things go wrong. It's a game, but most of the time, we find most people approach life the way as they play.