TavinBezsnov joined the platoon X Top [CLOSED]

Platoon Presentation
The founder left the game. Forever. For all questions, contact the leaders. Those who wish can leave, wear a tag in memory of me.
Platoon Heirs empowered to decide - mi-a-bi \ Beet_Waldek \ JackTheFlash777
Top player's list \ Fan's INSANE+
Not recruitment.
Rules - no use Hack's. Play fair..
The founder left the game. Forever. For all questions, contact the leaders. Those who wish can leave, wear a tag in memory of me.
Platoon Heirs empowered to decide - mi-a-bi \ Beet_Waldek \ JackTheFlash777
Top player's list \ Fan's INSANE+
Not recruitment.
Rules - no use Hack's. Play fair..