Zombie plague
Platoon Presentation
You are all welcome
We are partnered with battlefield-inside.de
This is an INFECTED SERVER that runs under unranked mode till we figure out how to use the same settings in ranked.
1. US team are humans, RU team are zombies
2. Zombies use Knife/Defib/M320 Smoke/and Repair Tool only!
3. Zombies are hard to kill
4. Humans use guns only, no Nades,or Claymores!
5. Zombies win by infecting all humans
6. Humans win by killing the certain amount of zombies that are playing
7. When a zombie kills you, you are infected and moved to the zombie team!
***Note if a human knifes a zombie you will automatically be a zombie***
Example Below of Human Goals:
Kills 12 zombies if 8 or less people are playing on the server.
Kills 18 zombies if 9 to 12 players are on the server.
Kills 24 zombies if 13 to 16 players are on the server.
Kills 30 zombies if 17 to 20 players are on the server.
Kills 35 zombies if 21 to 24 players are on the server.
Kills 40 zombies if 25 to 28 players are on the server.
Kills 45 zombies if 29 to 32 players are on the server.
Zombies are coming :D
We are partnered with battlefield-inside.de
This is an INFECTED SERVER that runs under unranked mode till we figure out how to use the same settings in ranked.
1. US team are humans, RU team are zombies
2. Zombies use Knife/Defib/M320 Smoke/and Repair Tool only!
3. Zombies are hard to kill
4. Humans use guns only, no Nades,or Claymores!
5. Zombies win by infecting all humans
6. Humans win by killing the certain amount of zombies that are playing
7. When a zombie kills you, you are infected and moved to the zombie team!
***Note if a human knifes a zombie you will automatically be a zombie***
Example Below of Human Goals:
Kills 12 zombies if 8 or less people are playing on the server.
Kills 18 zombies if 9 to 12 players are on the server.
Kills 24 zombies if 13 to 16 players are on the server.
Kills 30 zombies if 17 to 20 players are on the server.
Kills 35 zombies if 21 to 24 players are on the server.
Kills 40 zombies if 25 to 28 players are on the server.
Kills 45 zombies if 29 to 32 players are on the server.
Zombies are coming :D
Platoon feed
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