::International Fun::
Tag: [IF] Fans: 38 Created: 2014-03-17

Platoon Presentation

Hi Friends,
welcome to our Platoon ;) Have although fun on our Server and please respect the rules. keep polite in the games, dont attack the enemy base ;) I hope for a nice time and few funny games

Oh and our Admins: InglBast, Th3-F1r3bl4de, Filice85


Battlelog: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/en/servers/show/pc/d7c812dc-4667-44d5-b160-93d802d19b5f/IF-Armored-Shield-Fast-Vehicle-1200-Tickets-Conquest-64/
G-portal: https://www.g-portal.com/serverbrowser#!/detail/93753

Server streams to GGC, ACI, PBBans, PBscreens.
You may appeal your ban by email: appeal.ifserver@gmail.com, also if you need a help or you want to provide any proofs of violations, please use the same email address. For a rest use the command “!report player_name reason”.
You can use the command “!rules” to see our rules on the servers.
Please stay polite and have fun.

***** If you want to donate:*****
1. Login at gportal with our created account (login and pw you can know at Filice)

2. Open this link:

3. Put your comment and amount and choose a way how you want to pay (credit card or paypal)

This way is going without any charges and you donate directly on server.

Thank u very much, we are happy about every support, comment and every euro =)

Thanks a lot for donation :)
- Unknown033
- tankcmder
- BossyHugo

Platoon feed

  • InglBast wrote on the wall for ::International Fun:::
    Hello gentlemen. Here will be important information. Our server will work 2 days yet and 5 days more idle available for relaunch. We need people to donate to keep it alive longer. This server exists 7 years already. I have spent really great time on. Other admins and me never earned a single euro on the server. I don't want to count how much we have spent for all those period, because the time and people there were priceless. I would say it so. I'm ready to support it further if there will be players ready to help financially, because Fireblade and me can't spend so much time online now. And if honestly we are tired to pay all alone all those years. (talking "all alone" because many other admins have paid not constantly) Thanks for the attention!
    -0-Bouri-0- I anderstand your message, so I m agree to participate every month and i hope for this server re appear on Bf3. Cause without this server and the great Master of sky who practise on it, I had never known a constant progression ...
    13 years ago
    BossyHugo thank you guys for every single minute we spent :)
    13 years ago