Ground Control Assault
Platoon Presentation
Ground Control Assault is a Platoon that consists of a group of players that enjoy the game, and enjoy winning. But winning isn't everything! So you won't get kicked out or not be aloud to play in clan skrims if you're not the best player for those things. We enjoy eachothers company as well, and if two members have a problem with one another; they can fix it in a private conversation or ask a higher ranking member to be present and moderate their conversation.
GCA Is an infantry Platoon, needless to say when it is necessary or even if you just want to, at anytime you can hop into a vehicle!
There are kit restrictions that do apply most of the time, We do not support a player that just sits on an LMG and continuously sprays and prays. We also do not support a sniper sitting on the edge of the map (or far away from combat) doing nothing for the team. If you want to be a sniper in this platoon, I recommend a DMR with a 4-6x zoom. As for a Support class, I recommend the RPK-74/M27 IAR (no bipod), or any pdw.
Being spawn camped does relieve these restrictions, so We could really care less if you take out a long range sniper rifle or an LMG until we break out of the spawn camp. (Capture The Closest Objective)
Recruiting Status: Open
Members: 4
Group meetings will be held every two weeks on a Saturday, where we will discuss group Ideas, suggestions, skrim events, members, and anything that pops up.
"Training Sessions" Will be scheduled during a Meeting.
We are not a MilSim clan, but we do communicate, with that being said a Mic is required during a game, and you must have good quality/be able to be heard. There is an age limit of 16, but that also depends on the maturity of a player. Which means, we will select squeakers if they meet requirements and are not entirely annoying. With that being said, we will also reject some applicants for the way they act. (Immaturity, rude, disrespectful)
Message TheFly1ngPanda on xbox LIVE, if you are interested in joining. Do not send him a friend request just send him a message, VOICE message is preferred. It is Mandatory for all members to have a Battlelog account and use the GCA tag.
Thank you for your time, and We hope to see you on the Battlefield sometime soon!
***Willing to setup cross platform***
***Emblem will be updated***
***Will have either a official YouTube account for the clan, or a Official Website***
GCA Is an infantry Platoon, needless to say when it is necessary or even if you just want to, at anytime you can hop into a vehicle!
There are kit restrictions that do apply most of the time, We do not support a player that just sits on an LMG and continuously sprays and prays. We also do not support a sniper sitting on the edge of the map (or far away from combat) doing nothing for the team. If you want to be a sniper in this platoon, I recommend a DMR with a 4-6x zoom. As for a Support class, I recommend the RPK-74/M27 IAR (no bipod), or any pdw.
Being spawn camped does relieve these restrictions, so We could really care less if you take out a long range sniper rifle or an LMG until we break out of the spawn camp. (Capture The Closest Objective)
Recruiting Status: Open
Members: 4
Group meetings will be held every two weeks on a Saturday, where we will discuss group Ideas, suggestions, skrim events, members, and anything that pops up.
"Training Sessions" Will be scheduled during a Meeting.
We are not a MilSim clan, but we do communicate, with that being said a Mic is required during a game, and you must have good quality/be able to be heard. There is an age limit of 16, but that also depends on the maturity of a player. Which means, we will select squeakers if they meet requirements and are not entirely annoying. With that being said, we will also reject some applicants for the way they act. (Immaturity, rude, disrespectful)
Message TheFly1ngPanda on xbox LIVE, if you are interested in joining. Do not send him a friend request just send him a message, VOICE message is preferred. It is Mandatory for all members to have a Battlelog account and use the GCA tag.
Thank you for your time, and We hope to see you on the Battlefield sometime soon!
***Willing to setup cross platform***
***Emblem will be updated***
***Will have either a official YouTube account for the clan, or a Official Website***
Platoon feed
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