Justin Bieber fan club
Tag: [JBFC] Web: Official website Fans: 6 Created: 2014-10-18

Platoon Presentation

This platoon is in dedication for the best singer ever period. If you share the same love of Justin as me you're welcome to join. LUV U JUSTIN, BELIEBER 4 LYFE.

Recruitment requirements

- Must be a Justin Bieber fan
- Must have 60.5 KDR or higher
- Must speak French
- Must be 43 years or older
- Must be able to be ready to play a match to see if you are a valuable belieber
- Must be active and involved with the beliebers
- Must add all [JBFC] leaders (members optional)


- Must wear [JBFC] tag at all times
- Must force the bieber on everyone
- Must treat others like Justin Bieber would
- Scrim call outs, keep them sassy
- Any problems contact a belieber
- If you can't attend a scrim notify a belieber
- If opposing clans is trash talking about Bieber, trash talk them back!


- Gibson65


- BlueyMonkey
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n


- BlueyMonkey
- Gibson65
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n

VEHICLE MAPS(Based on activity):

- BlueyMonkey
- Gibson65
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n

Squad A(air)

- BlueyMonkey
- Gibson65
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n

Squad B(armour)

- BlueyMonkey
- Gibson65
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n

Squad C(Infantry)(squad may vary on quantity of tanks)

- BlueyMonkey
- Gibson65
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n

INFANTRY MAPS:(Founder/Leader in teamchat only)

- BlueyMonkey
- Gibson65
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n

Squad A

- BlueyMonkey
- Gibson65
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n

Squad B

- BlueyMonkey
- Gibson65
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n

Squad C

- BlueyMonkey
- Gibson65
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n

Squad Reserve(no particular order)

- BlueyMonkey
- Gibson65
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n

Squad Backup(Friends of bielebers)

- BlueyMonkey
- Gibson65
- Cartoonking97
- Kaken1nja
- TroJan Froz3n

Platoon feed

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