76 Airborne Assault
Platoon Presentation
Взвод создан в память о бойцах 76 гвардейской десантно-штурмовой Черниговской Краснознаменной дивизии ВДВ РФ и СССР,погибших при выполнении боевых задач или пропавших без вести.
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Platoon created in memory of warfighters of the 76 Chernigov Red banner Guardian Airborne Assault Division of RF and USSR Airborne Forces which were killed or missed in action. Sweet memory to the heroes.
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Platoon created in memory of warfighters of the 76 Chernigov Red banner Guardian Airborne Assault Division of RF and USSR Airborne Forces which were killed or missed in action. Sweet memory to the heroes.
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