ColonelCeej joined the platoon B FLAG
Platoon Presentation
This platoon is only for B FLAG lovers.
Honor the Tags you use!
This is no longer a Portuguese only clan... it's now for every B Flagger that doesn´t shit talks. Everyone knows about the Bf 3 shitty netcode... sometimes good for you, other times not that good for you.
We play for fun and we can rekt whyle having fun!
Non-European players dont belong to Europe servers... dont join us... we are not guilty that US isnt good enough to handle a server, lol.
Fuck US laggers.
Alied Platoons:
Not recruiting, just finding good players
This platoon is only for B FLAG lovers.
Honor the Tags you use!
This is no longer a Portuguese only clan... it's now for every B Flagger that doesn´t shit talks. Everyone knows about the Bf 3 shitty netcode... sometimes good for you, other times not that good for you.
We play for fun and we can rekt whyle having fun!
Non-European players dont belong to Europe servers... dont join us... we are not guilty that US isnt good enough to handle a server, lol.
Fuck US laggers.
Alied Platoons:
Not recruiting, just finding good players