Popular BF3 Mania
Tag: [PoPm] Web: Official website Fans: 29 Created: 2016-03-05

Platoon Presentation

This platoon is dedicated to any players who have played or frequently played on our server listed below.

The clan tags PoPm are not compulsory, but highly recommended.

A non-competitive, fun and adventurous game. Our Sydney based Australian server typically consists of the three most popular TDM maps.

500 Tickets. And no room for hackers. Any hackers? Report them here!

Please keep very offensive language and abuse to a minimum. :)

Our Server: PoPm - TDM Mania 500 Tickets

Statistics & Rankings for our Server!

GOOD NEWS: The PoPm Server & Platoon will NOT be closing down in June. It will stay up till at least mid December!

Top 5 Ranked Players as of 4th June 2016:
1st: lonelytheonly
2nd: JohnnyCupCake76
3rd: XXsatyrrXX
4th: Clamhunter
5th: tineer

A big thanks to Sneaky_Squid for an amazing platoon and the server for the time he has invested into the game.

Platoon feed