N7 Squad
Platoon Presentation
Witam Wszystkich zasady są dość proste gra bez oszukiwania w czasie gry , miała atmosfera, zero obrażania innych graczy, tekstów rasistowskich po trzech upomnieniach gracz zostaje wydalony z plutonu,pluton jest ogólnie światowy nie ma podziału dla graczy każdy może grać z nami i świetnie bawić i grac w miłej atmosferze :) Życzmy Miłej Gry :)
Hello to all the rules are fairly simple game without cheating during the game, was the atmosphere, no insult other players, text racist after three reminders player is expelled from the plutonium, plutonium is generally the world is no division for players anyone can play with us and great fun and to play in a relaxed atmosphere :) We wish :) Have Games :)
Hello to all the rules are fairly simple game without cheating during the game, was the atmosphere, no insult other players, text racist after three reminders player is expelled from the plutonium, plutonium is generally the world is no division for players anyone can play with us and great fun and to play in a relaxed atmosphere :) We wish :) Have Games :)
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