Nine_iLL_Heaven joined the platoon 4EVER BF3 #3

4EVER BF3 #3
Platoon Presentation
Platoon #1
Platoon #2
Platoon #4
Server: 4EVER BF3 | Kings of Conquest | Best Map Mix + DLC | 1000T | 64
15.01.2015 - 04.03.2019
Website: (offline)
TS3: ( (offline)
Discord: (inactive)
Server is closed. Thank you for the great time and cya on the Battlefield!
All time top 100 players:
1 FridayAfterNoon
2 WarriorOfEvil
3 x_Fury161_x
4 ASIER_Plus_Ultra
5 colonelOpe
6 Warhawks-97
7 Anddraca
8 a3zmxncb
9 Viking64600
10 Pernoss
11 TopKekHacker
12 burli-der-grosse
13 vainamo
14 0815Karotte
15 noname175
16 Watcom013
17 MakaveLiThaDon77
18 DrSchnuppi
19 Arnaud0902
20 TheSoupFly292
22 snaipasz
23 Exchange_REC
24 imYati
25 ECSS039
26 AIf_GER_
27 Cherokeee3ee
28 bort129
29 mastertom78
30 Pr0K1llers
31 Private-Ace-Levy
32 Charognard35
33 tontonzyklon
34 N0v4life
35 poca86lipe8
36 thc_skill_kill
37 baumbambuk
38 kerik04
39 196531
40 CheSerdo
41 tacticaleroes
42 Marirex
43 Bf-Just_True
44 TheBloodyWizard
45 l0l0p0p
46 FeelIT785
47 Safim
48 rimkou-is-love
49 MaciekAudi
50 attilala
51 ShvngRyansPrvts
52 RakefipamftEyyaf
53 phenombox
54 AMedicalStudent
55 IIBlackForest
56 Mahdirulez
57 andross40
58 DeineOmma_lol
59 RUSSEL-X-X-X-rus
60 Windziaz
61 ZangeifExcel
62 UnNainPosteur
63 feldsau
64 death_valley86
65 Miguelangelmg
66 TunnelT2
67 MarcinL86
68 n4no0
69 DillerSteN
70 Avrim
71 Oz-Volt1
72 Pandnik
73 Bertrand_du_33
74 klb1
75 -aW-Nighthawk118
76 Hokenero
77 Colonel_Finch
78 BloodIYIiX
79 MrEtrix
80 CarbonBased76
82 Latvietis96
83 strullerdude
84 vvinnicki
85 riva1-77
86 Late_igniter
87 Christianuss
88 HeliHazzar
89 One_xr7
90 Royaltyisrudolf
91 mmzuber
92 aidarenok
93 xRuhadam
94 Freizeitrebell
95 M4R1U565
96 SadMyurid
97 kecovb
98 sen712
99 shrikey
100 R3cycIer
Over and out
- AC-Topper 04.03.2019 11:45 am CET
Platoon #2
Platoon #4
Server: 4EVER BF3 | Kings of Conquest | Best Map Mix + DLC | 1000T | 64
15.01.2015 - 04.03.2019
Website: (offline)
TS3: ( (offline)
Discord: (inactive)
Server is closed. Thank you for the great time and cya on the Battlefield!
All time top 100 players:
1 FridayAfterNoon
2 WarriorOfEvil
3 x_Fury161_x
4 ASIER_Plus_Ultra
5 colonelOpe
6 Warhawks-97
7 Anddraca
8 a3zmxncb
9 Viking64600
10 Pernoss
11 TopKekHacker
12 burli-der-grosse
13 vainamo
14 0815Karotte
15 noname175
16 Watcom013
17 MakaveLiThaDon77
18 DrSchnuppi
19 Arnaud0902
20 TheSoupFly292
22 snaipasz
23 Exchange_REC
24 imYati
25 ECSS039
26 AIf_GER_
27 Cherokeee3ee
28 bort129
29 mastertom78
30 Pr0K1llers
31 Private-Ace-Levy
32 Charognard35
33 tontonzyklon
34 N0v4life
35 poca86lipe8
36 thc_skill_kill
37 baumbambuk
38 kerik04
39 196531
40 CheSerdo
41 tacticaleroes
42 Marirex
43 Bf-Just_True
44 TheBloodyWizard
45 l0l0p0p
46 FeelIT785
47 Safim
48 rimkou-is-love
49 MaciekAudi
50 attilala
51 ShvngRyansPrvts
52 RakefipamftEyyaf
53 phenombox
54 AMedicalStudent
55 IIBlackForest
56 Mahdirulez
57 andross40
58 DeineOmma_lol
59 RUSSEL-X-X-X-rus
60 Windziaz
61 ZangeifExcel
62 UnNainPosteur
63 feldsau
64 death_valley86
65 Miguelangelmg
66 TunnelT2
67 MarcinL86
68 n4no0
69 DillerSteN
70 Avrim
71 Oz-Volt1
72 Pandnik
73 Bertrand_du_33
74 klb1
75 -aW-Nighthawk118
76 Hokenero
77 Colonel_Finch
78 BloodIYIiX
79 MrEtrix
80 CarbonBased76
82 Latvietis96
83 strullerdude
84 vvinnicki
85 riva1-77
86 Late_igniter
87 Christianuss
88 HeliHazzar
89 One_xr7
90 Royaltyisrudolf
91 mmzuber
92 aidarenok
93 xRuhadam
94 Freizeitrebell
95 M4R1U565
96 SadMyurid
97 kecovb
98 sen712
99 shrikey
100 R3cycIer
Over and out
- AC-Topper 04.03.2019 11:45 am CET