BF3 Mods
Tag: [BFM] Fans: 29 Created: 2017-06-11

Platoon Presentation

Version 1.8.2:

I don't have any server available right now, so the mod will be offline for an undetermined time.

The server is no longer available. If you want to play the mod, check the FAQ for the server requirements.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ):

On which servers can the mod be played (NEW VERSION)?
- You can play the mod on all servers which contain(s) the tag(s) "BFlag", "B Flag", "B-Flag", "BF3 Mods", "Cinematic" or "Mods by 1nt1c4t10n" in their name. The new version can also be played on PB servers but with YOUR OWN RISK! I don't take responsibility for any banned account!

On which servers can the mod be played (OLD VERSIONS)?
- You can play with the mod on all servers which have PB disabled and contain "Mods by 1nt1c4t10n", "BF3 Mods" or "Cinematic" in their server name.

Do I need a license (again)?
- No, the old license system has been removed and it's playable for everyone now.

It's not working for me!
- Close all running applications (you don't have to close "TeamSpeak", "Skype", "Discord" etc.) and try it again.
- If you still have trouble to get it working, add me [] and I will try to help you.

It's a virus!!
- No, it's not (even if your antivirus says so).
- If you have the knowledge to analyse the file or know someone who can analyse the file for you, you will see that's not reading/stealing/modifying any of your private data. You don't trust me? Don't play with it.
Updated: 09.06.2023, 22:15

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