(SHEDA) schieldman
Tag: [SHED] Fans: 8 Created: 2020-05-28

Platoon Presentation

hello everyone then i greet you @ll thanks 2 @ll playerS who kiled me I AM STOPING Battelfield 3 NOW send me a e mail ore comands
---- INFO @ll players ALSO THERE I S ANTI - cheaters programs -
be welcome in my platoon group clan be welcomme
2 leve if you whant the platon no worrey thanks @ll (S.H.E.D.A.)schieldman dog tag (SHED) i al the founder of this clan platonn dog tag .....
my name is schieldman and this is now 5 years that i have bf 3 and also the las times ( wil end bf 3 if the servers is closed tanks 4 suport this servers clan members wil end this year 2020 ) also have and servers no more an in bf 3 pahraps in bf bf 4 soon whit somme suport e mail me thanks . Thanks 4 @ll
Teamqpexk =
i had an servers in bf 4 servers - Kill servers - kiling alowd -- is closed now -(
players beware what you tell in the servers no insults you become aut Admins warning kil kick tbanned banned Thers is an watch dog languitch controller modss bad words auto warning kil kick tban
the rules are advanced to the admins and vip and players safetey
But not for the owner schieldman is Not an admins vip..
if the owner is in severs he will make the decision of your act ; admins & vip talk too the owners schieldman .
schieldman Owner is not admins he is imunes of all
Rules for only admins:vips players please read the owner's rules
members .
# 1. Do not just kick an admins without consulting an owner or leaders in servers.
# 2 .with a moderate killing of a player from the approval of the owner & leader's debutey .
# 3 .Do not ban or kick without any reason.( type the reasons kick tbanned banned tel this at the owners thnaks schieldman .
# 4 .Do not kill any player in a command's without motives at least violations of rules.
# 5 .Respect the players as much as the leaders and
server owner.
# 6 .Do not insult any connected player( watch dog auto kil kick tbanned banned unbanned call e mail thanks ..
# 7. Do not kick a player when He Is afk or brb
only if he is in the flag aerea You can
Kill him in A Commands. ype !kill ( players name reasons whay you kiled him in comands and rules .
Admins Commands Chat Servers Or type In Chat !Help determined only for admins ( not VIPS )
# 2 .Move Players comands Type !move ( PLayers name and reasons
# 3. Admins & vips Move comands aere Type !movemee or move and type your name
# 4 .Kick Players coamnds Type !kick ( players name and whay you kicked him in the ules
# 5 . Tbanned Players Comands Type !Tbanned 60 is sec ( players name and way you Tbanned
# 6 . Banned Players Comands Type !banned ( players name and rules
# 7 . Mute comands Type !mude ( players name )
---------Type !help in chat comands -------
Ask owners if he is in servers schieldman .
- unbanned call whay how comme SchieldmanUnBannedSoldierCall@gmail.com
Facebook - schieldman scheda -
twitter - schieldman
instagram schieldman -
youtube like subcrible thankssuport this clan send me a e mail
schieldman@yahoo.com ( gift & cart & paybal & els thanks You can leev the platon is you choice no musee is ok thanks byeeee.....players who killed me . Bye take care -)

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