WraithNUFC added [HYENA]#2 Caspian+Firestorm|PB-OFF|discord.gg/hmrbeGBmCH as a favorite server
Battlefield 3
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WraithNUFC played a round of Conquest Large on Operation Locker
WraithNUFC added - #2 [WBKS] MixMode 64 - VoteMap {200%T/FastSpawnFly/Noob} as a favorite server
WraithNUFC added - #5 [WBKS] Rush - Classics 64 - VoteMap {HighTickets} as a favorite server
WraithNUFC added [TNT]#1 GULF OF OMAN | Conquest | discord.tnt.community as a favorite server
WraithNUFC added Cloverfield :: Holy Rush : Join and Dash | 32 Slots as a favorite server
WraithNUFC added The Banana Republic - The best server maybe ever! as a favorite server
WraithNUFC started playing Close Quarters for Battlefield 3
- Get plunged into frantic and relentless infantry combat on 4 new maps
- HD Destruction lets you reduce entire locales to ruin
- Earn 10 new weapons and bring them back to the base game
- Complete 10 new Assignments and equip 5 unique Dog Tags