omgcarnage played a round of Squad Deathmatch on Rogue Transmission
Battlefield 3
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omgcarnage won a round of Conquest Large on Nansha Strike
omgcarnage won a round of Team Deathmatch on Guilin Peaks
omgcarnage won a round of Squad Deathmatch on Lancang Damdom1911yo like this!dom1911yo rofl13 years ago
omgcarnage played a round of Squad Deathmatch on Golmud Railwayomgcarnage like this!
omgcarnage won a round of Conquest Large on Golmud Railwayomgcarnage like this!
omgcarnage added Cloverfield :: Holy Rush : Join and Dash | 32 Slots as a favorite serveromgcarnage like this!
omgcarnage like this!omgcarnage hooah13 years ago
omgcarnage and 1 other soldier like this!omgcarnage hallo!13 years ago