imGambrinus joined the platoon 5v5 mix

5v5 mix
Platoon Presentation
Rules for now:
- No shotguns (mass included), snipers, crossbow, M320
- M320 Smoke allowed
- No laser or taclight attachment
- Don't be a dick
- Player with TeamSpeak has priority!
If i catch u on cheating - permanent ban
TS: /inactive at the moment
Maps: Bazaar/Metro/Seine/Damavend/Tehran
Wake Island/Sharqi Peninsula/
Gulf of Oman/Strike at Karkand
Rules for now:
- No shotguns (mass included), snipers, crossbow, M320
- M320 Smoke allowed
- No laser or taclight attachment
- Don't be a dick
- Player with TeamSpeak has priority!
If i catch u on cheating - permanent ban
TS: /inactive at the moment
Maps: Bazaar/Metro/Seine/Damavend/Tehran
Wake Island/Sharqi Peninsula/
Gulf of Oman/Strike at Karkand