[EAC] EAC-Clan

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Website: www.eac-clan.com • Created: 2014-02-27

16,686,664 / 3,306,000

5512h 21m


Wir freuen uns dass Ihr auf unseren Clan aufmerksam geworden seid, EAC wird sich in den nächsten Zeilen einmal kurz für Euch vorstellen.

EAC ist ein deutsch sprachiger Multigaming Clan der aus ehemaligen. GFB - Member entstanden ist . Zurzeit hat EAC 28 aktive Member zu verzeichnen. Da wir auch in anderen Spielen aktiv mitwirken, ist bei uns eine wunderbare Community entstanden die wir auch in der nächsten Zeit weiter ausbauen werden. Reallife hat immer Vorrang.

Unsere BF4 Truppe spielt schon lange aktiv ,( Battlefield ) sie besitzen eine Menge Erfahrung und ein hohes spielerisches Niveau, auch Spielneulinge haben bei uns eine faire Chance mitzumischen.



Battlefield 4:

48-Hardcore Conquest:

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/036ba097-f37a-4318-84a4-405fd5e61d29/EAC-Hardcore-Blue-Oyster-Bar-Conquest-1/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]


http://www.eac-clan.com [eac-clan.com]

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https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elite-Assault-Commando/505269986158155 [facebook.com]


4 years ago • 0 Like
4 years ago
TerrorReloaded is a hacker fucker who thinks he have skills but he dont he is hacking like crazy, he have zero IQ he dont even know hes hacking, you gonna send your record to EA of me hacking when you also hacking??? Delete your account and play with your childish toys. hacking fucker, Warning non serious klan!
5 years ago • 0 Like
(EAC) Avion82 : Fuck Cheater & Hacker Platoon
6 years ago • 0 Like
Epic Clan if you want easy targets
Well till they bann you because you kill them to often :D
9 years ago • 1 Like
sorry there are no listet bans for your name
9 years ago
Don´t bother Dragontit. that douche Blacksheep kicks and bans everysingle one that beats him.
9 years ago • 2 likes
Kicked for cheating?... Cmon, based on what?
9 years ago • 1 Like
Hey, you can unban me from your server, I was banned for nothing, I do not use hack ...
9 years ago • 0 Like
Sorry but there is no Ban in our Database
9 years ago
there is no ban, sorry
9 years ago
Ein echter NOOB CLAN. Da steht Fairplay. Und die Spasten sind am verlieren. Was machen se sind bei A da wo man nur durch Glitchen hin kommt.... Einfach nur Pussys. Ihr könnt nichts... wir hätten euch so platt gemacht... Ich hätte es sogar alleine gegen euch 3 aufgenommen... Ach ne geht ja nicht Camper noobs
7 years ago • 0 Like
noob clan, ban when you kill an admin in match, kiddy team
7 years ago • 0 Like
Funny,gotta banned cuz I'm not from Germany - looks nice.
8 years ago • 0 Like
"nur weil ich schwarz bin" ... :-)
8 years ago
There"s no brake on the rape train.....
8 years ago • 0 Like
The fact that there are so many comments on here, from people that were banned for playing good says a lot. The EAC clan is so bad at playing this game, they kick/ban everyone that gets the drop on them. You're in the AA and do more than one kill? Ban. You complain about your whole squad getting banned for being Ace Squad? Ban. So yes EAC. Please continue sucking your own dicks on your server. Please never let any competition arise, so that your stats may be tolerable. As long as you have access to your daddys credit card, you may do so. Just without the good players of this community.
9 years ago • 6 likes
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Hmm wer ist hier die Rotznase und muss ich im Rahmen der anonymität des Internets verbal austoben? Aber wennde dann Auge in Auge stehst, kneift er das Schwänzchen ein und geht ins Bett... Wie im anderen Threat
8 years ago
U see the servername this are a cupple of gay and nobody see what are this idiots doing XD
8 years ago
Nety is a wallhacker
8 years ago • 2 likes
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8 years ago
same reason XD
8 years ago
Nice Racism on your server =/
9 years ago • 0 Like
This server is a joke
8 years ago
Banned for one insult? You must be workin really hard with that Ban/Kick button of yours...
Job well done.
9 years ago • 1 Like
Fucking True XD
8 years ago
But as I look down the other players stated my reasons also. DUMB PEOPLE WITH ADMIN RIGHTS.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Kicked for cheating and my accuracy was 21%... Cmon...
9 years ago • 1 Like
XD u 2 suspect gameplay
8 years ago
Congrats on your admin adimus975. He is so noob that as he get raped by helicopter he accuses us both for cheating and when I ask him how did you think that he bans me too.
Fucking moron. He could not bear being killed 10 times in a row. And surely he accuses us for cheating and this NOOB is admin on your servers...
8 years ago • 1 Like
Adinus75 was kicked me from own server bcs he was think i was a cheater XD Please someone tell me its just a joke . Me cheater pffff U made my day. Very nice job and i very sad i rly want to play more but okay XD sorry
8 years ago • 0 Like
Erstmal gekickt worden weil ich anscheinend zu gut fliege (ich musste ja doch sehr lachen :D). Naja ich seh das ganze mal eher als Kompliment anstatt als geistige Inkompetenz, das wäre nämlich sehr traurig von euch (würde aber die Posts vor mir iwie ins Sinnbild einreihen).
8 years ago • 1 Like