[TQS] The Brotherhood Armada

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Created: 2014-10-06

6,456 / 24,000

227h 40m
To join our platoon you must not use the following or proceed doing:

RULES 1 - 10 (Read carefully!!!)

RULE 1: You may not use STINGER'S or any lock on if playing with or in the presents of your clan members.

RULE 2: when the clan is making a funny video only none serious players may attend but when making a serious video, all players may attend if accept to behave themselves. When about to make a video we will tell everyone in the clan and let you know if its a funny video or serious one.

RULE 3: You and other clan members may not disrespect each other nor fight for any reason. But the founders and leaders can talk and stop you if you break this rule, you will be warned 3 times, if your steal talk you have to fallow RULE 10, also known as (The Strict Rule!!!) this goes for other rules too.

RULE 4: In this clan you only have 3 chances to join back to this clan. So if you get kicked you only have 2 chances left, but you may only join back if said so by a founder or leader. To join back you must not have been kicked at least 3 times, after kicked 3 times the clan can not help you.

RULE 5: When are clan is going against another clan, all clan members in that game must at least get a 1 K/D or higher.

RULE 6: Everyone that joins are clan has to be at least 13 years old or older, because we don't wont any squeakers in are clan.

RULE 7: Everyone that joins are clan has to have an average K/D meaning a 0.50 or higher to join are clan. If lower then 0.50 you will not be able to join, or will be kicked from the clan due to low K/D. You may join back if boosted you K\D up

RULE 8: Everyone that joins are clan has to change their tag to TBA. But if you are in another clan, and prefer their tag more, you may change it. Besides that, you must change it to TBA.

RULE 9: Everyone that joins are clan must not cheat, witch means no aim-bot hacks, if you are found doing this, you will be banned from are clan, if banned for this reason you will never be able to join back. But if you game breaking glitch, you will be warned, if warned 5 times you will be kicked from the clan, and not able to join back ever. (DONT DO IT AND WILL BE FINE)

RULE 10: If players in are clan did not follow the RULE'S (1,3) or used or proceeded doing any of the following at the top, then you will have to follow RULE'S (1-9) and follow the Strict rules (1,2) below this RULE. You have to follow the Strict rules for how ever long the founder or leader says so.

STRICT RULE 1: (THIS IS ONLY FOR RULE 10) You have to get a 1 K\D every game. Other wise you get kicked from clan. You may join back if said so by founder or leader.

STRICT RULE 2: (THIS IS ONLY FOR RULE 10) If you camp or kill any one at home base or in spawn point, that is an automatic kick from clan. You may join back if said so by a founder or leader.

We might be noobs but at least we can destroy vehicle's without using lockons. Dedication to the clan. HERE HERE!!!


You clan is complete garbage. I have a 10 year old brother that plays better than your whole clan combined. LOL.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Your mother is complete garbage OOOOOW!!! We just started this clan so shut that hole in your ugly face you reject. You’re most likely fat and lazy besides use, we actually have lives to appreciate unlike you. So stop criticizing my clan and go back to your laziness in your mom’s basement.
10 years ago