[Ltnx] Leathernecks

  • Founder

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Created: 2022-12-28

4,149 / 12,000

63h 15m
We are a South African brigade.

Founded in 2015 - Sabrewolf and Bloedklont had enough of toxic communities & groups of individuals that take the fun away from those who really just enjoy gaming for fun.

This brigade was formed for those individuals who seeks long term friendship, support, fun gaming and some good laughs.

Member Rules

* - Politics stays in parliament. Don't bring it to a game.

* - If you don't like someone, say it and get it out the way. No one will ever like everyone, but we will try to be civil towards our fellow members.

* - Swearing is allowed, we are not kids (its a game, and the guy that killed you must be a fucking hacker, we understand) - *** BUT swear words below the belt is NOT acceptable. It isn't accepted in the real world and it is also not acceptable in our social brigade.

* - Respect others as you respect yourself. If you want respect you need to give respect. Age/ Salary/ Honor/Rank Level/ Server Admin does not constitute for being respectful. Everyone wants to enjoy a game and get along with others and be treated as a member of the brigade. We don't talk down on any member. We're not here to babysit personalities.

* - Low honor/rank players - in our brigade or not - needs help. Provide them with help on how the objectives work and where to go on the map. We were all noobs and we would have appreciated some help back then.

How do I join
* - Speak to CrazyMaddog_NAM if you want to join the brigade.

Brigade Rules

* - This brigade was started up for community members that want to play Games. We don't force you to practice, we don't force you to pay for anything, we don't require membership fees. All we need from you is to enjoy a nice game with like minded people.

* - We are not microphone or text warriors. We don't try and be brave behind our microphones or team members. We aim to uplift and make gaming fun.

* - We are here to have fun, not teach you manners...that's your mothers job. and if she failed you we can't help and we will part ways.

* - We accept members 18 year old and older only.
(Sorry we are not babysitters - there are many other clans that like having the "numbers" and will accept you gladly into their group)

General Summary

Have fun, kill enemies, when you want, whenever you want. We endorse fun and free will and we will not force anyone to do anything. Ever!.

Just play, say hello, and respect and help other players. Team play helps....



Member Rules

* - Politics stays in parliament. Don't bring it to a game.

* - If you don't like someone, say it and get it out the way. No one will ever like everyone, but we will try to be civil towards our fellow members.

* - Swearing is allowed, we are not kids (its a game, and the guy that killed you must be a fucking hacker, we understand) - *** BUT swear words below the belt is NOT acceptable. It isn't accepted in the real world and it is also not acceptable in our social brigade.

* - Respect others as you respect yourself. If you want respect you need to give respect. Age/ Salary/ Honor/Rank Level/ Server Admin does not constitute for being respectful. Everyone wants to enjoy a game and get along with others and be treated as a member of the brigade. We don't talk down on any member. We're not here to babysit personalities.

* - Low honor/rank players - in our brigade or not - needs help. Provide them with help on how the objectives work and where to go on the map. We were all noobs and we would have appreciated some help back then.
2 years ago • 0 Like